Demon Form Witch Ascendancy
I play demon form witch as my main, and while theres a few things that can be fixed (support gems not working), that'll go in the bugs post, I want to tackle what could work better with the build in this post.
1. The 4th ascendancy is counter intuitive to a demon form witch and I think we need one more passive node added. Pyromantic Pact doesn't work because demon form is all about managing your hp and mana pool, so taking a passive that essential works against the build is a no go. Grinning Immolation also a no go for the same reasons as Pyromantic Pact, it totally works counter intuitively to demon form. You can take demonic possession and loyal hellhound for first and second ascend but then your stuck with stat increases for 3rd (totally fine if underwhelming, 12% spell damage for demon form? oh to go along with the 4800% I have from stacks?), however, the fourth ascendency for this demon form has no viable options. 2. The ramp up for stacks is a bit much. People who don't want any trouble can take the 10 stack ascend (arguably the worst node especially since we cant use weapons, demon form with capped stacks isn't better than say a staff or wand) but if a build revolves around uncapped stacking, we need another ascendancy node. Beside the 10 stack node, we should have a reduced time node, I spend a wild amount of time ramping up, usually start killing stuff around 60 stacks, a full minute pause between action. I think we fix this with a node that generates a stack every 0.5 seconds. It speeds the ramp up of demon form and balances itself perfectly! I stack 60 before running in to fight, I can stack 300 before my hp starts moving. Essentially that's 240 seconds or 4 minutes of uptime. If we build stacks twice as fast, we get stronger faster but we also lose half of our up time, so I don't think this makes demon form OP and it increases usability. 3. When I start a map, first thing I do is hit my demon form (I main demon form so no weapons) and I let it ramp up to 60 stacks. However, if you enter a map and hit demon form, it pulls agro even if you don't move at all once spawned, so I am immediately fighting for my life. Demon Form shouldn't count as an attack or whatever it is that triggers these enemies. I think the fix is let us hit demon form in town so we can enter already in demon form, its fine if we need to build up stacks before engaging (see previous point, itd be nice to only wait 30 seconds rather than 1 minute, or in some super glass cannon builds ive seen, 7 in a half minutes instead of 15 minutes to hit 900 stacks) Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 4:09:15 AM
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