Shattering Palm is a mess

There is serious problems with using the monk skill Shattering palm :

- first of all it's range is lower than the red targeting system so when a target is highlighted nothing will happen
- the smallest breakable object will interrupt the skill if the target moved behind one of those
- path-finding will sometimes refuse to find a way to the target even though the way to it is clear because there is a door in between or a little part of decor between you and the target , and sometimes you will do a proper curved dash through the terrain to reach a target you did not had a direct course to it
- another infuriating combination of the previous points is if a second mob place itself between you and the initial target : the skill will be interrupted when you come in contact with the second mob and nothing happen
- finally , even if you manage to anticipate every scenario to be sure the skill will launch and work properly : you may reach the target , punch it and nothing happen

There is a serious rework to be done on this , i cannot understand how Flicker Strike can dash 30 times in a row through several rooms but Shattering Palm struggle to do properly a single dash .
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ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 12:03:13 AM

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