Cannot Put Fragments in Doors

When I click the doors for either the Trial of Chaos or the Sealed Passageway (Burning Monolith), it does not bring up my inventory so I can place the fragments. It works on the PS5, but not on PC.
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2025, 1:27:15 PM
Same. Doesn't work for me on PC past the first time I entered, the overlay doesn't stay open to place the fragments.
u put the frag in from your inv not by clicking the door
I am having the same issue, there are no slots to place the fragments on the door. In the past I would just drag them from my inventory to the slots on the door, but they are not even there this trial run for some reason?
happened to me it happen because i pressed "z" by accident to turn off the highlight
just pressing it again fixed it

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