GGG please fix the bosses

In the promo materials devs have said that bosses in this game must feel as bosses from souls-like games. I cannot quite remember bosses from DS series, which keep spamming attacks without any windows for damage dealing. If you create such class as monk, that must stand still and ring the bell to deal aliments, why you create bosses, that keep spamming attacks and deal damage to you if you dont roll? If you dont want to be damaged, you must evading attacks all the time, and when you evade you dont deal damage. And, in the end, all the bosses can be beaten or with stupid faceroll, neither with broken builds, that permastun bosses.

I have enough dps on my monk, I can deal half of hp bar damage to boss if it just stand still for copuple of seconds, but sorry, this crazy boss will spam attacks and keep teleporting from you under attacks. For just now its still playable, but frustrating, because bosses feel unfair.

So, please, make the windows for damage dealing in boss fights, so game will be playaple for evasion-based melee classes.
Last edited by OlegN#7127 on Dec 21, 2024, 4:24:24 AM
Last bumped on Jan 8, 2025, 4:19:00 PM
OlegN#7127 wrote:
In the promo materials devs have said that bosses in this game must feel as bosses from souls-like games. I cannot quite remember bosses from DS series, which keep spamming attacks without any windows for damage dealing. If you create such class as monk, that must stand still and ring the bell to deal aliments, why you create bosses, that keep spamming attacks and deal damage to you if you dont roll? If you dont want to be damaged, you must evading attacks all the time, and when you evade you dont deal damage. And, in the end, all the bosses can be beaten or with stupid faceroll, neither with broken builds, that permastun bosses.

I have enough dps on my monk, I can deal half of hp bar damage to boss if it just stand still for copuple of seconds, but sorry, this crazy boss will spam attacks and keep teleporting from you under attacks. For just now its steel playable, but frustrating, because bosses feel unfair.

So, please, make the windows for damage dealing in boss fights, so game will be playaple for evasion-based melee classes.

I think it's a 2 part issue. The game needs more polish on the combat. And the bosses need more polish too.

I think they did a good job on a lot of bosses. But some of them just feel overly annoying. Constantly moving so you miss half your attacks, or never ending attack spam so you're constantly dodging.

Chimera was one that I just finished beating on my Monk. Took 10x longer than it needed to because it just flew around 90% of the time. Very annoying.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 21, 2024, 4:31:38 AM
I would also really like fights to have actual attack windows. Melee feels extremely bad early game because of the severe lack of attack windows. Please either look at revamping early boss attack windows or consider a parry mechanic or something to give the game more skill based play and make it feel less punishing. Ranged does not have this problem based on my progress so far on multiple characters.
don't know if they gonna do this.

Its such a simple concept: Dodging a attack, and use the window to make dmg.

The window for dmg just not exist. If you are range, you can still attack while moving. But for melee, is like 95% dodging, 5% attacking.

I know this bc I'm the kind of masochist who go to these bosses And try to kill them by just punching without any weapon equipped. I was basically mastering bosses mechanics. And spoiler alert: some attacks of some bosses were made to not be dodgeable at all (like that ghost sealed that put the whole arena under gas). It feels like they did some attacks just to test if you char has the resists to survive.

Tbh, the game lacks identity yet. The game don't if want to stay slow paced, or fast paced (too many mobs, and fast mobs on late game). The game don't know if wants to be a souls like or not on endgame (Bosses with no window to suffer dmg, insane AoE that if it's not perfectly timed the roll, you gonna took dmg).

If really GGG wants the game to be a souls like on bosses and slow paced, they must make dodge roll distance increases like 20%. They must remove the adrenaline supply from bosses, bc they are on 100% the whole time, they does not take even a small breath, and they must revise the concept of packs, bc at some point you gonna face a pack of 10 mobs that runs a LOT, or have a huge AoE that will stun and kill unaware players on site. The pack concept does not work most of the time, because to a game to be slow and souls like, the mobs need to be less run forward and kill kill, and more flanking, need to have their own spawn, close or not to others mobs, and they must have mechanics too, not just basic attacks.

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