Witch Minion Pathing

The pathing for minions is very buggy and needs some TLC. The minions are constantly getting stuck in doorways and around corners. This prevents them from casting and attacking. They'll then sit there until the battle finishes and i run a certain distance then they'll respawn. This happen over and over again and with most zones be very corridor heavy and door way heavy its becoming extremely frustrating.
Last bumped on Jan 7, 2025, 2:01:25 PM
Seconding this, with added details

The hellhound seems to be the main problem, possibly because the goodest boi is taking up a little more space. I just had a spot in Jiquani's Machinarium where the heckhound simply can't get through a space, and he blocks everyone else from passing.

There's a similar, but related issue with pathing in the dreadnought section, where I think the AI is trying to have my team go over the narrow bits two-abreast, but that doesn't work well in all cases, and you get some minions doing a three stooges routine, in each other's way the whole while.

I don't suppose there's an easy way to convince them to do a zipper merge? Good luck with this one, and happy holidays.
This is borderline unplayable on maps with smaller corridors. This needs to be addressed soon. Make minions able to walk through one another or something so they can path to the enemy as if there were nobody in the way. You can randomize and adjust their final positioning slightly so they don't all stand on top of each other in one spot once they have reached an attack-viable range.

Edit: As a workaround, we can use a secondary weapon set that swaps them out when we switch to it, then swap back to the main weapon set that will resummon them into a new room. Clunky, but at least it works until GGG fixes things. Sometimes the AI still gets confused and just stands there though, but at least towers got easier to do with that strategy.
Last edited by Absconditus#0168 on Dec 30, 2024, 11:07:50 PM
I'm currently running frost mages and sometimes they just don't attack if I press the button to redirect them. They disappearing and entering on revive cooldown when you get too far from them all makes it impossible to run fast through the map, you have to babysit their path. I can't complete Difficult 3 of Twisted Domain because they just don't follow me and keep attacking , they just stop attacking sometimes, not to mention they somewhat IGNORE your "redirect/target" command, you press once, they change to your target and then immediately go back the their previous target, they should lock-on the target you designated until it's dead!

I'm so sad they are more worried about nerfing and changing minions percentages instead of really making them actually PLAYABLE. Because being honest here, it's really stressful to play minions in most maps. I don't care running Augury, Crypt, Vaal Factory, I think they add a new layer of complexity to the game and I think they are fine, but NOT to navigate with minions. It's a NIGHTMARE to run these maps with minions. The worst enemy in those maps is conducting your minions through the maps. Most of us have to use swap weapon set in order to repositioning them.

I'm not asking for buffs or nerfs, I don't care if they are strong or weak, I just want to have a good time playing with minions, and I can't because their pathing AI is HORRENDOUS!

Not only the minion pathing but I think minions shouldn't collide with each other at all and should have a looser leash when using control minion key (`)

For example if there is a rare I tell my minions to attack and then I have to dodge and run to avoid the rares attack, if I walk off screen of my minions even by a tiny bit they will run back to me as if I am leaving even if I command them to go to the edge of the screen and attack the rare they will run there then run back to me. and the ones that dont make it on screen in time just get insta killed and start the respawn timer even if they were mid combat and right out of view of the screen for only a little bit.

Other problem areas are stuff like:

- Ritual with the black barrier that blocks off everything outside ritual
if your minions were not well within that outside barrier they will be frozen in time and space outside the ritual and afk there until you finish the ritual, even with sacrifice on I couldnt kill them from within the active ritual sometimes and then I am just down that many minions the whole ritual. I would command them to go in the circle at the beginning btw but if some random mob runs at you while you click the ritual ur minions run out of the circle to attack it at the start when the black barrier is forming and then they are stuck outside and wont be killed by off screen unless ritual circle is really big and u can off screen them somehow.

- abnormal doorways (blooming fields root arches etc)
most minions especially persistent minions get stuck on these and then just afk until they are killed by you walking a screen away or spamming the command to wiggle them out of the door over a few seconds.

Edit: As a workaround, we can use a secondary weapon set that swaps them out when we switch to it, then swap back to the main weapon set that will resummon them into a new room. Clunky, but at least it works until GGG fixes things. Sometimes the AI still gets confused and just stands there though, but at least towers got easier to do with that strategy.

What this person said. At least until a proper solution is introduced. I think simplest and quickest solution from GGG atm would probably be introducing that minion teleportation skill from the 1st game.
Last edited by AIDA_TriEdge#4390 on Jan 7, 2025, 1:49:21 PM
Cluosion#2413 wrote:

...if I walk off screen of my minions even by a tiny bit they will run back to me as if I am leaving even if I command them to go to the edge of the screen and attack the rare they will run there then run back to me. ...

Did you try to activate "always attack without moving" in the skill gem stat menu (when you click on the little arrow) for all minions? It feels that they are a bit more proactive with it activated.

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