STEAMING SPRINGS MAP - way way too big would be a amazing map STILL even if it was half the size (the map is stunning and fun to run)
AUGURY - The feel of the map is aesthetically pleasing, the feel of the Atmosphere is great, the "clutter and items" on the map could do with abit of a clean up as sometimes it feels abit visually cluttered and there is some Key area like in the picture ![]() where its just abit "too tight" i get what you are going for this tight CQC style feel to the map BUT some monster are getting stuck in these area specially if 2 or 3 run at once they block each other its actually quiet funny BLOOMING FIELDS - Map is super pretty, i feel this is the most heavy on the FPS i think its the grass, as beautiful as it it once you kill a rare thats "after death effect rares get" the game almost looks like its a Nintendo 64 game lol However map is wonderful pacing is good, i do feel however that "vines" from the tree's you use to segragate areas could do with abit more clarity sometimes it looks like you can pass over them and you cant and i have to full pull out the map to see where im going to be able to find the right place to cross over. Flowers sometimes "block" (visually) the after death effects and the degens on the floor and with only having 1 portal and done this mechanic doesnt mess well together or give a fun gaming experience LOST TOWER MAP - I feel this is a nice little Quick map pretty nice sized and a good mechanic to help "reveal you map" however i feel like there should be a "Key" to collect or some for of "gate guard" because if you spawn in on the Left hand side (South west) of the map you just stick left do 2 rooms and you can go through the door and turn the tower on, if you spawn in on the right (South East) do the same stick to the right 2 room and done im sure there will be added mechanics to this come launch or futher down the line in EA but this is what ive encountered during my play time. Also a Suggestion with Towers so as there is alot of towers in the maps you could do with them is depending upon what tier of Map tile you use on it depends upon what size of FOG OF WAR is removed on the map meaning high maps high risk opens a high amount of FOG OF WAR. (coupled with a Gate guard or having to find a key to open the gate to move to the roof it will make running towers more meaningful STASH BOX - if you are trying to take out Uncut Skill Gems (and the rest) and you are trying to "spam" remove with Triangle on console it is a random location for your next move (POE1 sometimes has this in the skill gem stash tab) where you press triangle and then it moves you somewhere on screen you cant see. making it almost impossible to remove more than 1 at a time its not really helpful when trying to remove a few or a large amount of gems at once maybe your stash needs more room or whatever its just not very user friendly Also Side add:- The drop rate on the Uncut items are as followed: (or so it seems) Uncut Skill Gem drops WAY way too often Uncut T3 Gems about right maybe do with a small improvement Uncut Spirit Gems need improved drop rate (especially for higher Tier ones 15+) i might be wrong on numbers but this is how it comes across from my experience ANNOINTMENTS - IF you press on a "distilled" oil it opens the window but hides the oil....HOWEVER if you see the window is open and then place you amulet into the window but then you go to grab the oils not knowing it closes the window YOU DO NOT have the ability to get your amulet back unless you press on the oil. now its no biggy but to see the screen dissapear with youre amulet and not able to just bring the window back is heart stopping until you press on the oil again maybe its different on PC but on console there is not viable option to bring the "distilled oil" window back ALSO to do with Distilled oils once you have annointed your ammy you CAN NOT annoint it again? i havnt tried this but iv seen several YT videos on it saying you cannot replace a annoint??? if this is true this is bad because 1 sometimes a annoint can help a build to just push on abit further to get the stuff they need to help progress AND ontop of that if you look at trade its hella expensive for certain distilled oils so a "for now" anoint might be a great idea until you farm out your own oils but then you cant anoint over it so the ammy is bricked. meaning in its current form you cant anoint until you are 100% sure thats the anoint for you or struggle in mapping until you can either afford or find the oils you need. it just doesnt seem like a great system PREVIOUS FEEDBACK:- SANCTUM STUFF AND VISUALS LACK OF MOVEMENT AND WARRIOR TREE CRASHES AND GENERAL GAMING FEEDBACK VISUAL ISSUES FOR CONSOLE AND XP SOME OF THE THINGS IV TRYED TO HIGHLIGHT IN MY POSTS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED ALREADY but some havnt and some of these are either game breaking to a degree, or just giving out a bad experience in general HOPEFULLY feedback is given to the DEV's so that console might have a more enjoyable experience on the game Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 21, 2024, 4:46:18 AM Last bumped on Dec 21, 2024, 11:58:51 PM
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