QOL - Sort function - Inventory management still clunky

Inventory management still fells significantly clunkier than PC.
Adding a sort function and mapping it to one of the controller key should make the inventory management very very good.
Also Sort function needs to sort items by item type and the tiers of items.
Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 12:50:58 PM
I completely agree that a sort function would be nice, but with the way inventory is set up in this game with different item types taking up a different number of slots i don't think a sort function will ever be possible.
Blizzard made it work in D4. I just realized all their gear is the same size, but GGG should be able to implement something similar. Anything is better than the completely manual click a button to pick it up and then click the directional button a thousand times to move it
Last edited by WhoInDaHouse#9549 on Feb 18, 2025, 1:00:03 PM
Different sizes of items taking different amounts of slots in the inventory should still be ok with sort function as last epoch did it already.
I totally agree,this needs to happen and yes, D4 did it with no problem.

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