Size of Font on PoE2 Trade Site

I had been using the trade site just fine up until now, but now the font has suddenly gotten minuscule on me. It had previously been perfectly legible on regular zoom settings, now I have to zoom it to 230% on my tab in order to read it. I have not changed any settings on my browser (Chrome) or on the trade site. I have no idea how something like this could have happened or how I could fix it, but until it is fixed, the site is largely unusable for me.
Last bumped on Mar 7, 2025, 9:59:07 AM
Same problem for me... It's impossible to read.
Also jumping in to back this up, somehow fine on Windows / Macbook... tiny on Linux + Chrome for me not sure why

Sauce if it helps: same search query same item same seller same zoom levels on chrome (100%), same resolution

Linux Chrome:

Windows Chrome:

Solution: Custom CSS with Stylus
This is the easiest and most reliable way to apply permanent CSS changes.

Install the Stylus extension

For Chrome
Create a new stylesheet for

Add the following CSS:

.itemBoxContent {
position: relative;
background: top right repeat-y;
font-size: 180%;

Save & Done!
It's not done but looks ugly... Better but still...

So I confirm, on Linux Chrome the fonts is too tiny and I have no Idea how to fix it to get the root look.
And it's not about trade page only. Main menu same for example

I seem to have gotten most of the forum and trade site looking somewhat normal / readable with these lines in Ublock Origin.

But it is a mess looking at the class selectors and font sizes like this. I would greatly prefer if it was just working., .results .row .middle .itemPopupAdditional, .nav:style(font-size-adjust:1 !important;) tbody *:style(font-size:110% !important;) a, .layoutBoxTitle, .links, .breadcrumb, .infoLine1, .infoLine2, .infoLine3, .button1, .button2:style(font-size-adjust:1.2 !important;)
Last edited by HCHB#2107 on Feb 24, 2025, 5:16:44 PM
Confirmed this happened since I updated Chrome today (on Linux), likely some CSS parsing going awry ever since.

This is very annoying, I hope it can be fixed soon :')

Seems there is issue with their fonts not loaded properly:



it's like a couple of clicks to fix it by their front-end devs...
So a quick fix for Stylus Chrome Extension is just add a rule for, put the code

* {
font-family: sans-serif !important;

save changes -> enjoy!

Last edited by Raensul#5285 on Feb 26, 2025, 4:47:42 PM
The same issue on poeArmory ext on Twitch.

Create a rule in the stylus extension for domain


with code


@-moz-document domain("") {
* {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Last edited by Raensul#5285 on Feb 26, 2025, 5:32:45 PM

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