My feedback: Love the game but about to quit

To start this, sorry I am a long-winded person.
I want to start with my complaints. First is, I have an issue with my account. I emailed support on the 7th and have not heard back. I get they are busy, but they should had been prepared to have lots of issues from the start. I can not link my account. No trading, no switching to the PC that I also bought, no twitch drops on my account. This alone WILL be why I stop playing and move on to something else. I see all over the forums how there are lots of account issues with a simple "we will reply" response. We spent good money and should not have to wait weeks to get a response. Especially when we are talking about cosmetics being $20-50 a pop and people spending $80-500 for this!
In game, I have not had too many issues. I did get extremely frustrated at the start, as I am a Diablo player and just felt very overwhelmed. Watching streamers and reading forums, it became clear this is supposed to be hard and has a steep learning curve. I change my mind set and BAM the game became amazing and I am addicted! Got to maps last night, but already starting to feel bored with it. I am just running around killing mobs, why? Where is the boss fight or loot or more Waystone? I am just running around killing mobs for the sake of killing mobs? That's not fun at all! TBH, IF I get a response and my account is fixed/linked, then I will likely just keep re-rolling and getting all classes to maps in the hopes boss fights get added at some point.
Playing with a friend is infuriating. Put it simply, there is zero point in me helping a friend out if they are not on the same quests are me. I know, I should not be helping with the intent on getting something in return. But I would like to help and not feel like a couple hours of my time was for nothing. I do get this is not an easy solve, so it is definitely lowest on my list of complaints. I still have been helping a buddy when he needs it, just sucks he gets loot and I get chump gold drops.

Now to the fun part! I seriously do love this game, ever since I changed my mindset of what is going on. I did not look up guides or follow someones build. I read everything and played around with stuff to find what works for me. It has been a blast doing this. The ACT boss fights were amazing. I got mad and determined on a few of them, in a good way. I felt invested and challenged.
The graphics are great, even on my Xbox. 100 points to GGG!
I love how much GGG posts updates on what is going on. Diablo had many issues and it was often silence. I made a twitter account just to follow for updates.

I hope support can get back to me on my account issue, as I plan to spend many hours playing if I can ever log onto my PC version!

EDIT: Did a few more maps and ran into 2 Blackjaw the Remnant, can't remember what name it had. But wow that was what I was hoping for! Super fun battle.
This is just a shell of what is to come. That's why it's labeled ea. Normally consoles would not have been included in this testing but they were able to bring us in with crossplay. Try looking at it from their perspective and what feedback you could find to give them to improve the game for your player base. You played diablo which i assume your referencing 4 which had a massive staff but took over a year to become a shell of a game. GGG have maybe 120 or so staff members and constantly pumping out content and still working on 2 games. Make no sense to quit something if you enjoyed it.
Last edited by bloodspaz#8599 on Dec 20, 2024, 1:08:15 AM

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