Trials are the worst part of this game
I have 175 hours of playtime across 3 characters so far in Early Access and I really need to get this off my chest:
Trials are the worst content in POE2, and some of the worst content I've experienced in the genre so far. Every time I start a new alt to enjoy playing through the campaign with, I'm always met with that dreaded feeling of "Oh no, I have to do Trials again". People say it's optional content but in order to ascend and choose your subclass and its powers, you have to do this content, so no, it's not optional at all. It's a pure pain point for me and my friends. - Trial of Sekhemas: way too many rooms doing the same things ad nauseum. How many times do I have to find the exit, click on a death jar or kill a couple rare mobs in order to finally face the floor boss? All whilst having to avoid as much damage as possible? Who enjoys this? Who?? - Trial of Chaos: This isn't even a trial of skill, it's a trial of RNG. A trial to see if you can reach the boss without the guaranteed death debuffs the game throws at you, and if you get the bird boss? You're dead anyway. For some reason, GGG didn't think to add any buff options either, so it's just not fun whatsoever. I would be less annoyed if Trials weren't mandatory content in order to progress in the ascension tree, but they are, and for me that's a huge problem with the current state of them. Last bumped on Jan 17, 2025, 9:49:48 PM
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Totally agree. And what is up with that bird boss? He just spawns and one-shots you immediately with tornado. I haven't gotten past it yet. I have all res cap (except chaos) and close to 3k hp on warrior.
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I agree , i got 80 hours and the trials are just annoying , i mean it s just not fun trying to dodge bombs and flames + mobs and their spells in a tight room and you have to do at least 3 to 4 rooms cuz you can t always dodge them until you reach 3rd challenge boss while stacking afflictions cuz poe2 rng gods are not kind
You loose half an hour going to the first 2 trial rooms to get to the third boss room and get hit 3 times and start again i mean i understand it needs to be challenging but it s just not fun, all I want to do is get my ascendancy points and keep enjoying endgame, I shouldn t have to grind hours(2 djinn drops in 5 to 6 hrs today) or days like other players to find a token just so I can go through 30 45 min of intense focus ,don t even want to think about the 4th ascendancy i m not even gonna bother i mean who wants that pain ? I m level 74 and had no problems with game difficulty, everything else seems fair except trials |
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Agreed. The trials are way over tuned. Especially the Sand Mother fight in the third trial. Her burrow attack needs some sort of tell... or a much much clearer one. Within the span of half a second she went underground and launched from underneath me and one shot me from full health and full shields. Mind you i am higher level than the trial requires and i have level scaling turned off. And having to start all the way from the very beginning of all 3 trials because of seemingly unavoidable death is absurd. Not sure if the 25% extra cast/attack speed for enemies curse speed it up so much that you just die no matter what but good lord is it still way over tunned.
Even with the nerf to honor damage the mechanic is so far from fun im of the opinion that this isn't worth doing at all anymore. Waste of time change my mind. |
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the trails are making feel like I wasted my money..... ggg needs to address this quick. I cant be the only one about to quit over it
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" It still is a mystery why they took the 2 most hated mechanics from POE1 and made them the new trials. This is some serious out of touch thing. ;) German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team." top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile" |
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trials are a total waste of time, already in poe 1 it was boring and completely pointless, when I do them I have the impression that the creators force them on us without logical justification. I don't really want to do these trails because they don't respect the player's time. Optional, lol... no comment... Who came up with the idea to make it so long? When I think about it, I don't want to play at all.
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You guys coming here to complain about PoE2 are so special. It even clearly says this part of the forum is specific to PoE1 feedback and suggestions. Go to PoE2 section.
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