Shockfire Explody Witch Hunter
This is my first build, feel free give suggestions as I'm not familiar with the game at a very technical level. I won't be going into any calculations, just simply describing the build as well as linking my current tree/gem set-up. I have also not provided my items (I'm using self-found gear) as I don't believe any of them to be crucial to the build. A couple stats are very nice to have, though.
Disclaimer I've only cleared up to T10 maps so far, but they have been a breeze and I've been having a lot of fun. People have asked me about my build so I wanted to have a post I could easily direct them to. I'll update it as I continue to progress my character. Description I really hated how grenades feel on a merc so I switched to Stormblast Bolts/Explosive Shot and never looked back. I use Rapid Shot/Emergency Reload on a second weapon to take down rares and bosses, since I feel like this is a much better alternative to the "Decimating Strike" passive tree on the Witch Hunter ascendency. With this set-up, you can be super tanky while also doing a lot of DPS (both single and multi-target). It's mainly two-button build with some defensive skills sprinkled in (which can also be used for extra damage). Playstyle: Weapon 1 Run around and kite mobs (ideally five or more, enough to trigger the "surrounded" passives), drop one or two Stormblast Bolts and blow them up with Explosive Shot. Use Glacial Bolt/Hailstorm Rounds defensively to reposition, but you should rarely need to use them against packs. Weapon 2 When against a rare/boss, pop as many skills as you can to fuel Full Salvo. I like to start with Glacial Bolt/Hailstorm Rounds as it helps give you some time to set-up some Stormblast Bolts, explode them to (hopefully) apply ignite, then switch to your second weapon and melt them with Rapid Shot. Make sure to be close enough to the rare/boss to get the full benefit of the Rare/Unique attack speed nodes on the passive tree. I like to pop Emergency Reload when I'm about to finish heavy stunning them, and then spam them down as fast as possible. On bosses especially, try to save your second Emergency Reload for when you can get them down into Culling Strike range, since Murderous Intent provides Rapid Shot with Culling Strike for a short period. We also have 25% increased Culling Strike threshold from the passive tree, which helps a lot. Controls I use left click to fire with my first weapon, and right click to fire with my second weapon. It takes a lot of time getting used to, since you still have to be aware of which weapon you're loading bolts into, but feels great once you've mastered it. This playstyle requires WASD movement. Ascendency: This build is quite tanky for the amount of damage it does, since I took the Sorcery Ward tree on my ascendency (I don't think the Decimating Strike tree is very good). Spend your first two points on "Zealous Inquisition", which is insanely helpful, especially during the campaign. The next two points should go to "Damage vs Low Life Enemies" and "Armour and Evasion". Once you have six points, remove the damage node and go for "Ceremonial Ablution". This passive is crazy strong, and really helps a lot with survivability in maps. Weapons This build relies on having two crossbows with weapon swapping. For the first weapon, "Life Per Kill" is really nice to have, while on the second weapon you want as much "Attack Speed" / "Reload Speed" as possible and "Life Per Hit". Other than that, just get the highest DPS weapons you can (ideally with + level to projectiles) and socket them with "Iron Runes". Other - Stack as much armour/evasion as humanly possible, especially on your gloves. This fuels Sorcery Ward and triggers the Leather Bound Gauntlets passive. - Get 20% quality on Explosive Shot as soon as possible, it's a huge upgrade. Passive tree / gems Last bumped on Dec 19, 2024, 6:05:46 PM
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