Multiplayer Feedback

Hey ya,

since it's early access I'd like to give some feedback.

Quick mention before I start listening things, I know some were already mentioned and I am no PoE1 Veteran, so I can't always tell if that was already the case in the first game. I love this type of game, and I was itchting for some time to get some.

That said, I have over 80 hours exclusive in Multiplayer and there is some things I would love to see adressed.

1) Punishment of dying when running maps together:

Dying in Singleplayer already seems punishing, since you lose the map and the experience. Dying in Multiplayer feels even worse, since you either have to wait for your friends to finish the map, die, or you start your own map.
It happened much to often, that somebody died thanks to bad visual clarity (I'll expand on that, but I saw lots of complaints about it), and has to wait until the others finish it.

Possible Solution:
Either not have maps be restricted to one portal (If I understand right, that was the case in PoE1), or let us be able to revive the person. He already got punished by losing experience.
I wouldn't even mind if he isn't allowed to loot anymore, but still can play after a revive.

2) Visual Clarity in Multiplayer

Visuals are beautiful... but playing with 2 friends is stressfull, especially if you can get one shot by abilites of enemies you're not able to see under all the effects.

Possible Solution:
Other games allow us to disable or atleast tone down abilites that your allies use. I would love to see this. I can handle my own abilites, but having other stacked on top of it is not very clear.

3) Loot in Multiplayer

Right now it feels really bad to play with friends. We could find more items, and I don't mean just equipment, I also talk about Breach Splinter, Simulacrum Splinter and so on, if each of us played single player and just traded whenever we find something. Right now, you slow yourself down by playing with friends.

You also crank up Mob and Boss Hp, while not gaining anything for it.

Possible Solution:
For one, give everyone their own drop when it comes to Breaches/Delirium, and maybe increase loot for Multiplayer. Again, don't have to crank it up to 3 times the loot, but atleast a bit more.
It can still be restriced by people having to actually hit the elite/rare to be allowed to loot. I am not 100% sure, but I feel this is already the case.

4) Map mechanics/Trial Mechanics

Stuff like Ritual is only for the map owner, instead of everybody (who is actively helping) and I don't understand why not everybody could have their own inventory.
If it is just because of boosting reasons, or other possible abuse of it, I feel this shouldn't be a problem. It is a pure PvE game.
The Trials of Chaos or Trial of the Sekhema feels even worse. The person that started it, is not allowed to die. Because if the person does, the Trial is bricked. You're not allowed to progress anymore.

So again, you put yourself at a disadvantage, because the owner of the map might not be responsible for the death (atleast in the Sekhema one). If one takes damage, honour is reduced for everybody. It doesn't help that people have different honour values.

Possible Solution:
For Rituals, the currency you farm should just be giving to everyone, instead of one player and each should have their own "ritual shop".

For the Trials, let other continue the trial. Also make Honour the same amount for everybody, based on the Host of the map, instead of each having their own honour. This way you can still decrease honour if somebody got hit.

5) League/Atlas Points

Right now, if you manage to kill a Map Boss/Breach Boss or any other, only the one that opened the map gets the skill points.
In our time of farming together, we only managed to get enough Breach Splinter by pooling together, yet the only one that got the skill points was the one who opened it up.
This just feels bad.

Possible Solution:
Just give everybody the skill points. Again, people might be able to carry people through, but it's not like people aren't doing it already.

I am still having a blast, but some things really can be improved, when it comes to multiplayer aspect of it.

Cheers for reading :3
Last bumped on Dec 19, 2024, 1:01:14 PM

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