Monk - Invoker , My Current Lightning Monk build - Stormwave - Falling thunder

Started playing monk and didnt like ice strike so i stuck with Storm wave/ Falling thunder early game and stuck with it ever since, can 1-2 shot bigger enemies with power charges, which are gained either by SIphon strike on larger mobs, or culling left overs with weapon swapping for power siphon

Storm wave clears packs and drops shocking ground, Falling thunder kills bosses. Simple

Runs Herald of Thunder Ice, Ghost shroud Wind dancer and cast on shock - Voltaxic mark, Freezing mark.

I'm not a POB mastermind so any optimisations or suggestions woul dbe appreciated, but so far this clears everything, the last ascendancy would most likely be, And protect me from harm for +armour - Evasion
Last bumped on Jan 3, 2025, 1:13:12 AM
Same, I've since come back to falling thunder, storm wave, wave of frost and all the heralds/passives since trying to crack T7 maps. you need to hybrid and use both of the elem damage buffs on freeze and kill shocked. Inervate is the shock kill damage boost, can't remember name of on freeze boost.
Falling Thunder obliterates the screen with 7 charges. You may also want to look into profane ritual for power charges generation. It is the most reliable way, apart the frenzy to power charge conversion notable "Resonance"+Frenzy support which i prefer not to use.
I also use killing palm for the power charge on kill as it has culling strike.
Also charged staff adds nice damage as well with a nice duration with 7 charges.
I do not use herald of ice or any ice skills as i need the corpses for the profane ritual. Pure lightning build. Finally you need critical chance. I am at 50% currently and it works pretty well.
Last edited by Neuri#6944 on Jan 3, 2025, 1:20:00 AM

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