Trial of Sekhamas

Hello dear developer! I love POE 2 and I defend it, but this Sekhamas trial just needs to be removed, it's just boring watching the damage we take, running in circles around the mobs to finally reach a boss with insane attack speed... Honestly, who likes doing this trial? So the solution is simple: blank page and start over, thank you, goodbye.
Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 2:45:26 PM
The boss's attack speed didn't seem too bad when I tried it out for the first time tonight, but the burning damage is what killed my run. Hopefully they'll release something for tank builds to get ascendancy points. I was able to do most of it with active shield tanking, but poison and other damage over time effects also reduce honor like crazy. The game makes it seem like I need to complete it before continuing Act 2. Is it supposed to be end game content instead?
Trial will be really easy when you understand it. This is like a chess. But when you turn on your brain and know what to do - it's really easy and funny)
Are you playing a melee character? Cause I really don't see any issue my mid-range build after over 70 runs. Whether I get the -30% monster HP and/or 50% increased damage doesn't matter neither.
I was also wishing this content to be removed early on, but the rewards are just too attractive in the current state of the game.

Keep it up, don't give up!
Ashyev#5110 wrote:
Sekhema is designed the same way as the Magma Boss in the Drowned City : if you don't out-DPS severely the opposition you will never clear it . Once you are there it's about relic stacking 75% honor res first & foremost then +% Def and +Max Honor . Then you pick as much +Move Speed as possible from relics once you are able to reach the last Boss .

It's extremely frustrating to play Sekhema when you are below the necessary amount of DPS & relics buffs , once you did a good rework of your build & relics the difficulty is completely gone .

Right now the only thing able to relatively lower my Honor bar by ~25% is Zarokh the Temporal because i no longer even try to evade his attacks while i murder him in 30 seconds .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
The #1 mistake noobs to in sanctum is expect to 1-shot it first try. You need to spend time farming up relics that boosts your honor (and later movespeed, preferably). You can, of course, trade for them as well.

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