My entire PC crashes when loading a map.
I'm not sure what changed, but for the past 4 days, my PC crashes whenever I try to load into a map. I've reinstalled my graphics drivers, rebooted my PC several times, validated my game files on steam, etc. I've looked up videos on youtube and threads about the issue on forums. So far none of the suggestions I've seen have resolved my issue.
I also get a slight stutter about every 10 minutes in the game regardless of where I am. I did not have the crashing issue in campaign, only in maps. The only thing I can think might be related is that it started around the time that I installed NVidia's latest graphics drivers. Last bumped on Dec 18, 2024, 3:22:03 PM
I'm running RTX 4070 Ti Super and Ryzen 7 5700X 3D, and my PC is very powerful. When I open Path of Exile 2, my whole computer crashes while the wheel is spinning before I even get to the login panel. If I can miraculously log into the character, the game crashes on launch. If I miraculously start playing, it crashes again when I go through the first protal.In short, I paid for the game but I can't play it in any way.
I’ve been taking metrics on this for a few days.
TLDR: - You’re either pulling too much power and tripping your PSU - Your CPU is reaching a heat protection. Why would these be happening? Well, GPU Util% is very high in this game — moreso with Vulkan on some GPUs. If you have a high end GPU with high TDP (like a 7900 series, a 4080/4090, etc), you’re already at increased risk of transient voltage tripping your PSU under high system load. Couple that with the game’s tendency to want full CPU Util% in loading screens and you’ve got your perfect storm for a transient spike tripping your PSU: transients on 4090s can be 500W. An i5 can run at baseline load at 220W. A spike will trip any PSU under 1000W. But, here’s the other part of this: a sudden 100% concurrently processed utilization of a processor can cause a temp or voltage spike that most coolers aren’t really setup to adequately handle. Your overheat protection may kick in here and shut you down as well. If your PC remains on but is “frozen” then you’re at 100% CPU Util% and locking up. Depending on the cache and architecture of your processor… your machine may start thrashing. You can reduce the likelihood of all of this by putting in a frame cap and reducing your settings (but only to a degree. If you’re running into PSU issues, or issues with a shutdown you should treat it as a serious warning. You must either examine your cooling or power supply. Failing to do so may take all of your hardware and burn it. Last edited by hesham8#4339 on Dec 18, 2024, 3:24:15 PM