Crash in Act 3 / Jungle Ruins that results in not being able to load Character (updated 12/17/24)

Had a crash while loading in Act 3 Jungle Ruins, now the game crashes every time the character is attempted to load.

There are a few others with same issues posting to the xbox feedback forum.


Seemed to have resolved after an xbox reboot or letting the game be off for at least 20 mins, maybe the instance reset?
Last edited by cdaffin#8767 on Dec 18, 2024, 12:24:07 PM
Last bumped on Dec 18, 2024, 1:18:04 PM
This just happened to me. Cannot load character, game crashed while in Jungle, this is Cruel Act 3.

When I try to load character, game crashes to desktop on Xbox Series X.

I have a very low level character in Act 1 I first startedthat I dont play, and she loads fine. But thats not a solution to start over and get to Cruel again
Try a xbox reboot and if that doesn't work then let the game quit for 20 mins.
I reset the console and deleted the cached files for the game.

Issue still persists. Act 1 char loads fine, Cruel Act3 lvl 62 char crashes game still
Last edited by VisualEffective#8558 on Dec 18, 2024, 12:11:15 PM
Has it been more than 15 mins between attempting to load your character?

I just read in a another forum that it might be 30 mins before it resolves.
Last edited by cdaffin#8767 on Dec 18, 2024, 12:19:40 PM
i will will time it and try again in 30 min. I made a new post since this thread is flagged as resolved.
I actually did the resolved thing, I'll remove it.
There was a game update while waiting to re-try. Either the wait, or tje update as resolved my issue. I can now load character.

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