Be careful when trading

recently i had a transaction with a chinese person after seeing the request to exchange exalted orb for divine orb when trading he used orb of alchemy i was careless and when i realized the transaction was approved so i hope everyone check carefully so they don't get scammed like me
Last bumped on Dec 17, 2024, 2:53:17 PM
Lam3rr#8108 wrote:
recently i had a transaction with a chinese person after seeing the request to exchange exalted orb for divine orb when trading he used orb of alchemy i was careless and when i realized the transaction was approved so i hope everyone check carefully so they don't get scammed like me

Just as in real life, always look to make sure you are going to get what you are supposed to get before finishing the transaction.
I beat E.T. on Atari when I was 5. When it came out. This is what I do.
yea I just got scammed. gave me 46 alc for 1 divine. he swapped them probably with a software and when I hovered it again I didn't pay enough attention. I reported him. hopefully he'll get banned.

he had a lot of traffic. I wonder how many fell for it. basically he's doing 100% profit per trade.
since the league with the fat goblin, I am extra careful^^ Had a shavronne's wrappings in his vendor and was going to buy coins to buy it.

I send a request to someone sold coins, he invvited me - came directly to my hideout, into my portal - stole my shavronne and left the group...

This game is full of "criminals", don't trust anyone! :-D

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