Resistances overhaul (from oldschool d1 to nowaday's bnb linear formula)

Current resistances state (diablo1/2/poe1)
basic summary:
- 75 max res cap;
- maxres as extra stats to boost further (+4% more ehp from 75 to 76, +5% more ehp from 80 to 81, +10% from 89 to 90);
- progressing through acts result in -60 resists and t6+ and t11+ maps in extra -20 = -80 base resist. It’s done for the purpose that it’s too easy to cap 75 res, but the game still needed challenge players with this defensive stats.
- to cap resists, it requires 75+80 = 155 res. And if we add extra 15 for exposure protection = 170. Yet in most scenarios 155 would be optimal.

The flawof current state is:

> for 25% res increase ehp by 33% more,
> while next +25% (50% total) res increase ehp by 100% off base (50% more effective than previous 25%),
> while next +25% (75% total) res increase ehp by 300% off base (100% more effective than first 50%, 3x more effective than first 25%).
- extra irreitating factor: people dont like their resistances lowered with each act. It counter-intuitive and also feels bad to lose your defensive layers.

It’s just mandatory to cap resistances and game is balanced around all characters taking 4x less elemental damage. Boring, heavy punish situations when resistances aren’t reach cap (difference between 74% and 75% res is 4% more damage taken).


Is to use classic linear formula:
reduction = ( 100% - 1 / ( 1 + X*res ) )

which scales by +X% increase off base life per 1 res, it will take much more smooth progression. (There we need to define x, I would go for it to be 0.01 (1% of base hp)).
Comparison to same 25/50/75% breakpoints:

> to achive 25% damage reduction (x*res = +33% ehp), it will take 33 res.
> to achive 50% damage reduction (+100% ehp), it’ll take 100 res.
> to achive 75% damage reduction (+300% ehp), it will take 300 res.

Numbers tweaking:

As in current state its assumed players build 155 resists-stats as optimal, I’ll take us to aim to same gear affixes/skills/buffs etc, but for other formula:
=> 300 res for 75% reduction / 155 stats = ~2x (the multiplier of all numbers on items/skills/auras to achieve same results).
Basically just double numbers on items to achieve it. Or dont change numbers on affixes, just add this (2x) multiplier into formula.

How does it help the game? :
- Linear scaling doesn’t punish players for underachieving “cap”;
- Much easier to start getting resists, examples:
1: ruby ring +30% atm is +42% fire ehp from 0% res to +30%;
2: ruby ring +60 res (30*2x multiplier to achieve ~same effectiveness at 75% cap) = will increase fire ehp by 60% - which will be felt much more impactful at start (and same at 75% reduction).

- now, as elemental ehp (maxhit) scales linearly and withing larger scale of numbers, it doesn’t’ need to rely on subtracting resistances after each act – just balance elemental damage of monster accordingly.

Yet, there is a feature I want to talk about also – MaxRes.
In current situation you just take +2 maxres and you need just +2 res to get to the new cap. With linear formula it will require :
( (1-0.77) – (1-0.75) ) / 0.01 = ~34-35 resist
which is much more than 2 * 2x multiplier. It become much harder to overcap reductions via resists. It’s both good and bad/stange/different (downside?).
- GOOD: you don’t really need hardcap at 75 as it will be much harder to over-achieve it. Let player hit higher resists if they can afford it. Yet scaling is linear and it will not break the game. It's both sound good and feels good.
- Downside: max res comes into state where it becomes less favorable (affordable). How to fix it?

The Fix of max res situation (actually just an already known mechanic to diablo1/2/poe-players)

(it's not even a problem, lol)
As a mastermind myself, I would suggest change maxres mechanic into elemental damage reduction (same as phys damage reductions):
+ 1% of which will be applied to the final value of reduction-based-on-resist.
+ hardcap all res at 90 same as phys damage reductions via armor (hardcap chaos at 75 as it’s kinda a thing in itself to be hard to cap, never over 75).
+ sideeffect of changing +1 maxres to +1% elemental reduction is it will give you this 1% even at 0 resistance stat (which is cute). Which is also insignificant – it still will come to it's full power at 75+ territory as before.
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2024, 7:46:21 PM
This is extremely interesting and important information. I wish I had the resistance formula available or a graph for mitigation (EHP) per resist point.

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