Game keeps pausing, PS5

Im hard wired, so it's not an internet issue. It keeps pausing every 10 seconds or so. It lags like crazy. I was playing fine until yesterday
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 10:16:24 PM
Same thing happening to me. I start to play and it keeps pausing and unpausing nonstop. Made the game unplayable and it started today.

Do you experience the same issue with other Gateways? This should only happen when you're lagging.
Im hard wired, so it's not an internet issue. It keeps pausing every 10 seconds or so. It lags like crazy. I was playing fine until yesterday

Same thing here as well. even swapped out to a new controller to make sure one i was using was not breaking. same issue with both. game pause icon appears with a lag spike for no reason.

I to am using a line and not wifi so lag is never a problem
Last edited by Kaotic-Ouch#9400 on Jan 29, 2025, 9:21:52 PM
Adam_GGG wrote:

Do you experience the same issue with other Gateways? This should only happen when you're lagging.


I got the same issue and got the recording here:

Resetting the game fixed the issue for me on PS5.

Hope this helps and hope it will be fixed in the future.
Also make sure you have unticked the box thats says log out or pause when a controller disconnects, it might be a faulty charge lead as well was happening to him once he turned that option off it stopped
I'm on ps5 also, started having major connectivity issues this last week.
I'm in New Zealand, not even that far from auckland gateway.. had no issues until this week.
Network at home is working fine and had been running perfect.
Last edited by darthbrutal666#9155 on Feb 5, 2025, 7:39:18 PM
Yea had the same Issue NZ auckland, Hyperfiber, Game pausing every 2-4 Sec , Had to re install the game and it stopped. Has started back up a few times and a re install works most of the time.

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