River Hag Enemy bugged with Mind over Matter.

The Act 3 enemy type “River Hag” throws an icy projectile that explodes into a vortex.

Occasionally, this projectile seems to ignore the Mind over Matter keystone and deal HP damage instead.

I tested this interaction a number of times and was able to replicate dying from the explosion damage despite remaining at full mana. It doesn’t ALWAYS happen so there may be some interactions I’m not aware of.

For reference, my character is an infernalist, specced into Mind Over Matter, Eldritch Battery and Demonic Possession, but the demon possession was not in effect when the deaths happened.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 9:11:39 AM
Unfortunate to see such a silly normal monster with so many bugs and hidden boss mechanics. The drowning bug also bypasses the mana and instantly kills you if you stand anywhere near the stupid Water Bubble for even 2-3 seconds. GGG doesn't care that people's hardcore characters are getting deleted from this every single day since release and it continues, when it could easily be disabled and fixed. For example, the water bubble already slows and is impactful just following people around slowing them... the "instant kill" boss-like death mechanic for an unrealistic 2-3 second drowning needs to go away. Idk who at GGG is so obsessed with these monsters but it's a trash part of the game and people aren't stupid to notice it's poor design.
It happens the same with energy shield

All dmg from drowning orb bypass my energy shield in a CI build ( chaos inoculation )

I died too with by the Drowing Orb from created by the River Hag mob.
I had a Invoker lvl 95 in HC
I had CI with 15000 energy shield and the damage bypass all my energy shield .
Resolt :

- 0/1 life
- 15000/8000 Energy shield

This is very unfair because you doesn't realize what it is happening in some situation because there are a lot of mobs or you are in fron of the mob in a melee istance .

Last edited by Nantukox86#7602 on Feb 9, 2025, 9:19:33 AM

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