Mantra of Destruction bugs

Baseline effect:
"Attack gains 30% of damage as Chaos"
I assume this does not Add any damage to the Attack, only converts it to Chaos.
If that is correct, then:

1. Passive Tree nodes that increase Chaos damage should affect the converted part of damage.
Which is not working. Damage stays the same.

2. Premeditation Support Gem does not increase damage of Attack Empowered by Mantra. It should Add 15%.

3. I am also pretty sure that Support gem Murderous Intent does not give Cull to the Empowered Skill, as I saw many mobs survive it on like 1% hp consistently.

4. Lucid Dreaming (chonk asc) Passive node is not affecting the Mantra version of Purple Flames buff for its duration. (and the Breach version of that buff is not affected by regular Skill duration enhancement passive nodes).

Conclusion - Mantra is bugged and not increasing the damage of Empowered Attack anyhow, even with dedicated Supports Gem or Passive nodes that should do that.

Additional notes and bugged interactions related:
- Staggering Palm projectiles are not affected by Purple Flames of Chayula buff whatsoever. Description does not exclude these from what i understood out of it.

PS. Balancing suggestion - It would be really cool if baseline 30% damage convertion added something more into it, as it its current form it's just really weak. Unless it was intended to Add 30% Attack damage as Chaos damage, then it is not working neither.
Last edited by Evergrey#7535 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:19:10 PM
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 7:36:18 AM
I have revisited the Mantra after new update - it still does literally nothing. Just a nice visual.
"Attack gains 30% of damage as Chaos"
I assume this does not Add any damage to the Attack, only converts it to Chaos.

- Why would you assume that? The description literally states that it GAINS damage? Only weird thing is, that the word "extra" is missing here when comparing to other similar effects (passives, chayula ascendancy passives). But conversion effects are always called conversions as far as I can tell.

1. Passive Tree nodes that increase Chaos damage should affect the converted part of damage.
Which is not working. Damage stays the same.

2. Premeditation Support Gem does not increase damage of Attack Empowered by Mantra. It should Add 15%.

- How did you come to these conclusions? If you just looked at your active Attack Skill Gems' damage stats after activating Mantra of Destruction (before triggering the empowering effect by using a quarterstaff attack), then I'm pretty sure that you shouldn't see any effects there. I think Mantra empowers the respective attack just when you use the attack itself and does not "foreshadow" its potential effect in the detailed stats for all your attack skills. So when you use the to-be-empowered attack, it should gain the empowering effect and then immediately switch back to the original attack stats for its potential next (non-empowered) use.

4. Lucid Dreaming (chonk asc) Passive node is not affecting the Mantra version of Purple Flames buff for its duration. (and the Breach version of that buff is not affected by regular Skill duration enhancement passive nodes).

- This is actually a weird problem and I am not sure if this was intended. Purple Flames from Into the Breach and from Mantra of Destruction are stacked together into the same buff counter at the top of your screen. But as you correctly stated, the duration (even the base duration: 5 vs 6 seconds) is different and exclusively buffed by different sources. If this is true for duration of the flame stacks, Lucid Dreaming probably also only damage-buffs collected Breach-Flames and Mantra Flames stay the same. A comment by GGG staff on how this will be handled would be very much appreciated.

I have revisited the Mantra after new update - it still does literally nothing. Just a nice visual.

At least it definitely adds its own purple flames to your buff stack on killing enemies and as stated above, I dont see how it would not buff the empowered attacks damage with chaos damage. Did you actually test this somehow?
Last edited by PathOfTamale#7777 on Dec 27, 2024, 6:10:21 AM
- Why would you assume that? The description literally states that it GAINS damage? Only weird thing is, that the word "extra" is missing here when comparing to other similar effects (passives, chayula ascendancy passives). But conversion effects are always called conversions as far as I can tell.

So I have a point of reference to establish how it actually works and if that's proper way of working.
It does not give Extra dmg, so I assumed convertion. But that doesn't happen neither.

How did you come to these conclusions?

Tested it on a boss and checked the gem stats with buff on and off. For every scenario I listed.
I also have checked with some + chaos dmg nodes and without - no difference in the stats nor the dmg output.
Last edited by Evergrey#7535 on Jan 2, 2025, 9:38:43 PM
Tested it on a boss and checked the gem stats with buff on and off. For every scenario I listed.
I also have checked with some + chaos dmg nodes and without - no difference in the stats nor the dmg output.

As I wrote before: What do you mean "with buff on and off". The buff effect of Mantra of Destruction just means: the next time you are going to use any attack, only THEN will this one instance of this specific attack gain the empowerment effects. Even if Mantra is working perfectly, you should never see these effects (extra chaos damage gained, more damage from premeditation support) in the attack gem's stats before or after the empower is triggered!

So I have a point of reference to establish how it actually works and if that's proper way of working.

Sorry, but this doesn't answer anything at all.
As I wrote before: What do you mean "with buff on and off". The buff effect of Mantra of Destruction just means: the next time you are going to use any attack, only THEN will this one instance of this specific attack gain the empowerment effects. Even if Mantra is working perfectly, you should never see these effects (extra chaos damage gained, more damage from premeditation support) in the attack gem's stats before or after the empower is triggered!

I disagree.
If i turn on ex. Charged staff, it shows the tooltip damage increase.
Charged staff is a Buff, so is Mantra.

If Mantra does give additional damage OR converts it to Chaos (and I have +chaos dmg nodes), I should see the tooltip dmg increase while mantra lasts.
Every buff works like this.
Even Momentum shows the dmg increase in the tooltip whilst dashing for a split second.

I am not sure what's intended and what's not, but if i'd look for analogies and consistency, I'd say Mantra should show dmg increase in the tooltip, if it does increase damage anyhow.

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