poe2 xbox series x (trade site issues)

i play poe 2 on xbox series x and for some reason my items are not showing up on the trade site. I have searched by name, and account with hash tag.... and my items do not show up. Nothing shows up. is there something with this i am not doing correctly i list my items from my stash just like ive seen done on countless youtube videos. I do have my items listed separately and not as a whole tab. someone help please lol.
Last bumped on Feb 4, 2025, 9:32:12 AM
This may be a post you'd like to share under the "Early Access Bug Reports (Xbox)".

In the meantime, could you send an email regarding this issue to support@grindinggear.com so we could look into this further with you?
can you move the thread for me i dont want to put it in the wrong place but yes i sent an email with no hear back for about 24 hours
I also cannot use trade website on Xbox extremely frustrating I sent ggg support a email 3 days ago and have yet to see a reply in regards to this issue
I am completely locked out of trading can’t use site on Xbox or via my phone on Xbox when I try it says cannot open browser due to account restrictions please check your account but my account is completely open
And on the site via phone it says you must own a copy of poe2 before being able to trade I really need trade site please help ggg
Was wondering if this has been fixed at all? I am experiencing all these same issues. Sent an email a few days ago with no response. Thank you
I am also on Xbox and I can not access the trade website. Can we please get an in game auction house? I don't like having to use resources out side of game to gear up my characters.
Is there no way for Xbox players to list items for trade?
Having the same issues anyone figure out a fix or workaround

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