MTX Shop not loading / working

Since launch my MTX shop has not worked even though other players have access to it. I used the website to make point purchases instead of the in-game shop and that seems to work fine but I cannot tell what's available in PoE2.

I have tried to validate files, allow network permissions etc. I have attached images for a visual representation of the issue.

The tabs that are working are:
> Cosmetics
> Wishlist
> Packs
> Guild
> Points

Last edited by FeelMyHijack#5531 on Dec 15, 2024, 1:03:00 PM
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 2:12:19 AM
Same here
Exact same issue.
ANy update on this? I am having the same issue!
same here
Same here, any fix?
Still broken, no fix found.
I think its def sort of connection/region problem. I live in SEA, tried VPN and it seems to work to show the shop atleast. Havent tried buying anything though.

Im using steam, does anyone using poe client to try if it works without VPN?

Post from 2022, and i think it still applies that SEA cant open in-game shop yet
After patch 0.1.1 my MTX preview is also bugged and not showing preview, in SEA region also btw
Same. Still not working.

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