Keyboard and mouse support on consoles is needed immediately.

Dear developers, please consider using a keyboard and a computer mouse as a priority, it is not very convenient to play on a gamepad, use a chat and a personal chest. Please add keyboard support, is it really that difficult in the current realities? When building a game on consoles is almost the same as building on a PC, the architecture is the same.
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 8:05:33 PM
I understand your frustration, yet I disagree.

98% of the players on consoles have absolutely zero desire to have a keyboard and mouse on their coffee table while they play. this is the exact reason why most choose console over pc.

also the architecture for pc versus consoles is different. this is what makes it difficult to port games over from pc to consoles most of the time.

would it be nice for those who "want" to use keyboard and mouse on consoles to be able to do so? absolutely. Just don't make it a requirement or most of the consoles players will be out.
I thought this was a bug so a posted in the bug report section. I was sure to be able to play with K&M while buying on PS5.

My PC is old and do not play anymore to PC a lot from what I used to...

PS: PS5 on a desktop so no K&M on a coffee table ;)
I completely agree with this post. Mouse and keyboard support would be a game-changer. Using a controller for chat and stash feels very clunky. It would definitely make the experience more enjoyable for many players, including me.
Yes, at least for chat it will be good. Currently, it's difficult to respond to any message.
Keyboard currently works for chat on consoles, but that's all. I would prefer to play with a keyboard and mouse if they added support.

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