Warbringer Shockwave Totems: 300k+ dps mapping / 450k+bossing. All Content Viable (Videos)

[0.1 Update] Astral Projection now works with Shockwave totems and is situationally very useful. Discussion of the way this affects other gem choices is now in the FAQ. -O

Warbringer dual wields +7 melee skills 2H maces using Giant's blood, +2 gloves, and +3 Amulet. With a corrupted level 21 gem this reaches the skill level hardcap with a lvl 40 Shockwave totem at full build. On the tree I am using, when they are all summoned they will be doing around 81k dps each mapping and around 114k dps each bossing

Shockwave totem level scales at a rate of a little under 16% per level, with no diminishing returns that I have observed. The difference between dual wielding the second +7 mace and using a shield is approximately 180% more dps. The remaining gear caps out all rezzes, including chaos, with 90/90/90 max ele res at full build and runs a little over 9K armour for defense. Runs all map mods except 25% ele pen without issues. No random one shots while mapping. Capable of doing all pinnacle content up through level 4 with practice on the mechanics.

The damage feels good. The build will literally walk through a T16, at +2 map levels, one shotting everything except rares, which may take 2-3 seconds. Bosses get stunned and taken down rapidly. The biggest problem is paying the summoning cost in a way that allows for smooth gameplay. I solve this by going blood magic, linking inspiration to reduce the cost by 40%, and linking Life Bounty, which provides 100% increased flask charges gained. Combine with an Ultimate life flask with reduced charges used and either increased life recovered or faster life recovery and the sustain is actually excellent while mapping, Just summon a totem or 2 or 4, depending on the situation, hit the flask and roll away while your enemies die.


Lvl 89 Walkover lvl 82 Zone w/ Bossfight:https://youtu.be/FYonzifKWhY
Lvl 93 vs. Arbiter of Ash lvl 0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ_bIZwOBok
Lvl 95 vs. Lvl 3 Simulacrum, final wave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4_FxRRl-8Q
Lvl 95 vs. Lvl 4 Xesht: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUB83oN7Vjc
Lvl 96 vs. Lvl 4 Simulacrum, final wave https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgkaBezHvpU
Lvl 96 w/ Astral proj vs. Lvl 4 Arbiter of Ash: https://youtu.be/d9EQr41TIJE
Lvl 96 vs. 691% inc waystones lvl 81 zone w/ Deli/Exped/Breach/Ritual/Boss (Shows mapping power at full build) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ecCFNBLRuQ
Lvl 96 vs. Lvl 4 King in the Mist https://youtu.be/UmljAKgT4Js

Challenges from doubters:

-X max res
penetrate 25%

deal x damage as fire
deal x damage as cold

deal x more damage
have x crit chance / multi

less recovery
reduced flask charges

Skill Tree:

Lvl 89 pre-jewels: https://poe2db.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgYCeZdxmcWZ874qn9PlUMDkjzOW9lwSoEfT2B4prnOPFUFVZ6TK0RMSFyDNXti2u4bB6sgGtpzMfF92s8eiubOoQoXszGOKyfZZv9HXzEr2ilOLaGXpgRGvfD2trdbWjMyr8VsL0hkndN21uJ9IEBrYdb3KJYST8lIsHAoPKOrPYfu7QPJm1G0uau3QnUQ8WFiij8AorvOphMnjtH0IfksxbE5-oBmBFk7Qw-SgsTPpd3KuVKZqoKwl_ohpysTYMxPv4WBGfl0NdvQiyWlm4_uVYuBH81xz9JFewyEt-9duDwm74wU2D_8HFcyOqtNTT61g7SYJAAA=

Lvl 93 With Max res/inc skill effect duration jewels: https://poe2db.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgYCfJdxmcWZ874qn9PlUMDkjzOW9lwSoEfT2B4prnOPFWekytETEhcgzV7YtruGwerIBsx8ormzqEKF7Mxjisn2Wb9rL9HXzEoRr4zMq_FbC9IZ6e4ndN21LBwKDxFa8lKEkxrYSBB1vcol15YEkj03OT6u88AoyeO0fQh-SzGphP1mvoB7op6UrXbwMv3jRgTKm_fb0qF5KWbj-5Vi4FxzyWlew_SR9CIJu24P-9chLdNT4wU2D_8HFcyOqtNvsNilKFLVrJDe1yYJYO3oWI8aT62hkw12acp-XWhlYEbv4TMTxNj0NqHGEcNH84UqOT8BdGxOfqCgpvu7AAA=

Lvl 96 Main Tree: https://poe2db.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgYCf5dxmcWZ874qn9PlUJb2XBKgR9PYHimuc48VZ6TK0RMSwerIBsx8ormzqEKF7Mxjisn2Wb9rL9HXzEoRr4zMq_FbC9IZ6e4ndN21LBwKDxFa8lKEkxrYSBB1vcol15Yo6gSSPTc5Pq7zwCjJ47R9CH5LMamEz2H7u0Dy_Wa-gHuinpStdvAy_eNGBMqb99vSoXkpZuP7lWLgXHPJaV7D9JH0Igm7bg_71yEt01PjBTYP_wcVzG9MjqrTb7DYpShS1ayQ3tcmCWDt6FiPGk-toZMNdmnKfl1oZWBG7-EzE8TY9DahxhHDR_OFKjk_AXRsTn6gGYEWTuSgsTNImRfvAAA=

Lvl 96 Weapon Swap (Svalinn): https://poe2db.tw/us/passive-skill-tree/AAAABgYCf5dxSJmZxZnzviqf0xfv5VCW9lwSoEfT2B4prnOPFUFVZ6SiubOoQoXszGOKyfZZv79_ay_R18xKEa-MzKvxWwvSGenuEVryUoSTGthIEHW9yiXXlgSw6YmCrFS0WpimUgS-BJI9Nzk-WFjHbFgevmkextKNsiz9Zr6Ae6KelK128DL940YEypv329KheSlm4_uVYuBcc8lpXsP0kfQiCbtuD_vXIS3TU-MFNg__BxXMb0yOqtNvsNilKFLVrJDe1yYJ6FiPGqGTDXZpyn5daGVgRu_hMxPE2PQ2ocYRw0fzhSo5PwF0wC5Zt41DdraEumxOSMX7R5pdfqAZgRZOAAA=

Recommended Ascendancy Order:

Answered Call
Wooden Wall
Anvil's Weight
Jade Heritage

I tested out Imploding Impacts for quite a while in place of Jade Heritage, but, at the far end of the game, I feel that Jade Heritage is the better tool. Up to 10% passive extra phys mitigation is meaningful, and 5+ seconds of being more or less immune to death from hits while the totems keep working can make some bossing situations significantly easier. Damage did not feel like it dropped dramatically after getting rid of imploding impacts.

Key Skills, Links, and Annoint

Shockwave totem>Martial Tempo>Brutality>Inspiration, Life Bounty, Overabundance
Ancestral Spirits (From Ascendancy)>Cull>Meatshield>Elemental Army>Maim>Discombobulate
Time of Need>Fast Forward>Vitality>Herbalism
Overwhelming Presence (Drop this one if not enough spirit)
Lingering Illusion>Persistence
Shield Charge (In weapon swap)>ingenuity>Stomping ground
Leap Slam>Holy Descent (Makes consecrated ground for additional sustain)
Infernal Cry>Dazing Cry>Raging Cry>Ingenuity

A note on the gem order for Shockwave totem: I believe that overabundance is a trap when added too soon. Most of the time when mapping, you don't need to have more than three totems out at a time. The fourth totem will potentially add 33% more dps while bossing, HOWEVER since it comes at a cost of half your duration, you really don't want to be using it until you have taken at least one full duration cluster or a few jewels with added skill duration. So the gem by itself isn't really providing that whole bonus to dps. Further, if you wait until the 5th and 6th link to add inspiration and life bounty, it is likely that you will have much less enjoyment of the build than if you add them in the order suggested. I know because I tested it that way first.

Late endgame, if you can get a belt with approx >30% increased flask charges gained, or equivalent, that is sufficient to swap out life bounty for Magnified effect in maps with sufficient density. This is something to play around with and get a feel for, keeeping an eye on your life flask. (Conc effect when bossing, even without the belt mod).

There are also a couple of additional skills I leveled with but don't use while mapping:

Armour Breaker (used for breaking boss armour before getting anvil's weight)
Ancestral Totem>Stampede (Used to handle packs of ranged mobs firing dangerous volleys. Will kill these from almost 2 screens away. Stops really being needed once damage and AOE become sufficient on the shockwave totems.

Annoint: Initiative (Greed Ire Envy)

At the end of the first video recorded at the top of the guide,I scan over the character's in-progress gear, since there is not yet a POB for POE2. The end of the third video has a brief walkthrough of the lvl 95 version of the gear. The end of the seventh video shows the gear at full build.

Four extra gearing tips:

1. As you push toward the upper levels of this build, A utility belt (20% of flask recovery is instant) becomes a significant defensive upgrade--highly recommend. If you can get one with increased flask charges gained or increased life recovery rate, even better. Both is ideal. We want the instant recovery on the belt rather than the flask so as to avoid the penalty to overall life recovery that goes with the flask version.

2. You will eventually want your flask to have enough reduced cost to be 7 charges and to have increased life gained rather than increased life recovery rate. Fully quality it as well, and you should be able to recover a base of 1800+ life per flask use before applying any bonusses from the belt.

3. Eventually you are going to want to work on improving max ele res using the lvl 92 tree. Don't respec to this tree until you have acquired the jewels that it needs. Out of your seven jewels, all of them will have a +2 max rez for one of the elements. Recommend at least 3-4 have increased skill effect duration (found on rubies and sapphires). Any other useful stats are a bonus.

4. Late endgame tech is an Against the Darkness unique jewel with dual max res bonus. This can slot into the socket just above Ancestral Artifice. If/when you slot this jewel, respec to take Cranial Impact, Unbreaking, Finality and Heatproofing as your level permits.

5.Late game a life/ele res morior invictus can be considered. A 5 socket morior with life soul cores should take you to right around 4k life at the sacrifice of about 5k armour. Possible this is tankier in most situations.


Astral Projection:

This is a situationally useful support for the build that was released in patch 1.1, well after the initial guide was prepared. It is at its best when you are trying to either kill things more than a screen away or around corners OR fighting a fast moving boss (Like Arbiter of Ash in its second phase) It suffers from the drawback that it will often not target the closest group of mobs, making it less good defensively for fighting things next to you. Whether to have it equipped all the time is very much a matter of taste and playstyle.

-If- you decide to make use of Astral Projection, I have the following recommendations:

1. While leveling: My instinct would be to add it either second (after martial tempo) or third (after Brutality).

2. General Mapping: Replace Life Bounty with Astral Projection for general mapping. If you get down to your last 1-2 flask charges, swap overabundance in for astral until your flask refills (this happens very quickly) and then swap back. Having said, I will reveal that my personal preference for general mapping (after much testing) is totem>Brutality>Martial Tempo>Inspiration> Magnified Effect>Overabundance. I swap in Life Bounty for overabundance when my flask gets low, then swap back.

3. Bossing: Three categories of bosses want different setups:

A. Low Mobility: Swap in Conc effect for Astral Proj
B. High Mobility, low hp: No Swap
C. High Mobility, high hp: Swap Conc effect for Overabundance The doubled uptime on your totems will reduce the pressure on your flasks during this kind of fight.

Survivability Checklist:

If you have survivability issues in late maps, go down the following checklist:

1. Life total--Goal is 3k+ (4k+ with Morior)
2. Armour--Goal is 9k+ (Or ignore with Morior)
3. Max Rezzes--Goal is 90/90/90/75* (See below to answer how to do this)
4. Flask--Goal is 7 charges per use, recovering 1.5k life+
5. Belt--MUST be a utility base
6. Ascendancies: Use Jade Heritage over imploding impacts--the passive 10%
phys reduction is bigger than it looks.
7. Playstyle: Summon 1-2 totems, flask, dodge roll, repeat, don't stand still
in the presence of your enemies.
8. Map rolls (Don't run 25 ele pen, run 40% inc damage with caution, run
multiple damage mods with caution)

Once you have/are doing all of the above, deaths in non-pinnacle content (Outside of missing certain boss mechanics) should become extremely uncommon to non-existent. Pinnacle content is completely doable, but requires more practice with the mechanics in addition to the above.

*Formula for 90/90/90 max ele res (Can vary specifics, this is my current setup):

1. Against the Darkness jewel with +1 max fire and +1 max lighting: +7/+7 fire and lightning. This slots just northeast of Ancestral Artifice.

2. Prism Guard Cluster: +3 lightning, +3 cold, +1 fire

3. Unnatural resilience cluster (with 120 fire res) +7 fire, +1 cold +1 lightning

4. 2 emerald jewels with +2 lightning each

5. 4 sapphire jewels with +2 cold each

6. 3 Soul cores of Tzamoto socketed in defensive gear: +3 cold.

Totals +15 each.

[edit] Slightly superior to this would be an against the darkness that gave +1/+1 to max lightning and max cold. This would allow/require you to swap one of the soul cores granting +1 max cold for one that grants +1 max fire and swap three of the sapphires granting +2 max cold each for three rubies granting +2 max fire each. This is superior because the rubies have a greater number of potentially beneficial other stats including inc skill duration, totem damage, attack damage, melee damage, and inc armour. Since posting the above, I have swapped to this setup and increased my overall damage by a little under 10%.

Jewel stats to look for:

+2 Max Lightning res
4% inc Attack speed
15% inc Attack damage
20% inc damage with hits against rare and unique enemies

+2 Max Cold res
15% inc Skill effect duration
10% inc Area of effect
20% inc max energy shield (if you have any, otherwise 4th stat is blank)

+2 Max fire res
15% inc Skill effect duration

And two prefixes from the following list:
10% Inc Aoe
25% Inc damage against enemies with fully broken armour
18% inc totem damage
15% Inc Melee damage
15% inc global physical damage
15% Inc Attack Damage
20% inc Armour

Damage Checklist:

Damage scales mostly by gem Level and anoint so here is your checklist:

Level 18 gem or better
+7 2h mace (x2)
+2 Gloves
+3 Amulet
Anoint Initiative
+1 level corruption on the gem

Shockwave totem (Quality to 20)
Martial Tempo
Life Bounty (Trade for conc effect when bossing, trade for Magnified Effect with inc flask charges gained belt and a suffciently dense map)

Leveling Advice: Offensively, you are always looking for +level to melee skills on any piece of gear. Early leveling even a +1 makes a big difference. A total of +4 was enough to cruise through to the end of the acts. The +17 shown in the build wasn't reached until late endgame. I didn't finally hit the hardcap of level 40 until my character was well into level 95. The nice thing is that every bonus level you are able to improve will feel significant. Defensively, prioritize getting resists to at least 40 or so during the campaign (though more is always better if possilbe). POE2 is calibrated very differently from POE1 in this regard--you don't need capped resists until you are heading toward T6+ maps, or later if you find it comfortable. However you DO need to prioritize chaos res along with the rest of them, as POE2 is unforgiving in that regard. Other than rezzes, look for life and armour while leveling. Later you will also want attributes on gear to meet the 3x requirement for making use of Giant's blood.

A note on the Giant's blood gear: The cost of a +7 two handed mace varies dramatically depending on its strength requirement. You might think you need to spend a fortune to get one with a base cost of under 100, but this is not the case. There are two soul cores that will convert 20% of the strength requirement to either dex or int (or both, since a 2H weapon can slot two runes or cores) These are only an ex or two each. Do the math and you may be able to make do with a +7 weapon that has a somewhat higher strength requirement by making good use of those soul cores, since you will want some amount of int and dex anyway to make use of lingering illusion, which I highly recommend as an extra defensive layer added to your dodge roll. I definitely noticed a difference when I started using it.

For your anoint, Initiative (Greed, Ire, Envy) is disproportionately powerful on an attack totem build, since the totem does not count as us attacking. It is not a very expensive anoint, and I recommend picking it up for your amulet even while leveling if you can afford to.

Finally, On the tree, start by making a beeline for both totem clusters that provide you an extra totem (which will naturally take you through a totem cluster that doesn't--you will respec the pathing later) Next the fourth totem cluster. After that I recommend focusing on AOE, then branch out toward whichever piece of the tree appeals to you as you fill in the rest. Take resolute technique when you see your chance to hit start to dip toward 90%. Go blood magic when you start to feel the cost of summoning the totems become too much for your mana pool to comfortably handle. Don't take Giant's Blood until you are well into the endgame, already have the stat problems solved, and have at least 4 out of 6 sockets so you can use inspiration. 5 out of 6 for inspiration and life bounty will be more comfy. Dual wielding one handers is fine for the majority of the game, as these go up to +5, with many inexpensive +4 options. +8 is likely more than you will need to get through the campaign.

Late game, when you want to become tankier, I have two recommendations:

1. Get enough life and strength on gear to get up to about a 3k life pool--I found this to be a reasonable target.

2. Focus on improving maximum ele res through the two clusters on the tree and the seven easily available jewel slots.

When I got my char to 92, I began to be frustrated with my frequency of dying in hard-rolled maps. I hit those two goals and felt much tankier and began breezing through them again.

I'll check back in to answer questions if there are any. Otherwise I hope some of you decide to try it out and have as much fun as I have.

Good Luck,
Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Jan 27, 2025, 4:25:35 AM
Last bumped on Feb 16, 2025, 6:35:43 PM
Is there a link to your passive tree sir?
Is there a link to your passive tree sir?

For leveling trees you can use the totembringer guide I posted a few days before this one.
Last edited by Pls#2816 on Dec 20, 2024, 5:56:41 PM
I have added a passive tree to the guide.

Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:41:24 PM

try this one to link it. Should help
Too bad shockwave totems don't scale off of your own weapon damage.
at what point of the game you think its worth to drop Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer for a +skills one?
Tbh I think it's a benefit that we dont scale off weapon damage. I think we get more power with a higher ceiling -because- the gem level contains the base flat damage rather than our weapon.

On another note, I just hit 90 and ancestral spirits got another open socket. I am running an experiment now moving life bounty onto ancestral spirits and adding heavy swing onto the totems. Since so much of the flask recovery comes from rares and the ancestral spirits are culling, my thought is that this may provide enough sustain and let me squeeze out another 20%+ damage or so. I'll report back findings.

Tried out conc effect first--I can say for sure that conc feels terrible and is in no way worth the extra damage.

at what point of the game you think its worth to drop Hrimnor's Hymn Oak Greathammer for a +skills one?

So this one is straight math. Hrimnor's is providing, effectively 100% more damage. since the gem levels are providing a hair under 16% per level, I would look at it this way, approximately:

1 level=16% more
2 levels=34% more
3 levels=56% more
4 levels=81% more
5 levels=110% more+
6 levels=140% more
7 levels=162% more

So it is worth trading for a +5 weapon or better.

Last edited by Orion72#3803 on Dec 16, 2024, 12:17:30 PM
Orion72#3803 wrote:

On another note, I just hit 90 and ancestral spirits got another open socket. I am running an experiment now moving life bounty onto ancestral spirits and adding heavy swing onto the totems. Since so much of the flask recovery comes from rares and the ancestral spirits are culling, my thought is that this may provide enough sustain and let me squeeze out another 20%+ damage or so. I'll report back findings.

So I'm going to say that this failed for mapping--sustain was not nearly as comfortable as just keeping life bounty on the main skill, and the extra dps contributes nothing to mapping at this point. I might try keeping heavy swing and conc effect slotted in the mace attack just for convenience and consider swapping one or the other in for bossing. (conc only for very immobile bosses).


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