Trial of Chaos Crash

Tonight i had crash twice in trial of chaos, both times it happened when i casted Stampede near elevator

Windows 11, 0.1.0d patch
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 5:55:38 PM
Same, getting crashes at random times in Ultimatum. Never getting crashes enywhere else in the game.
I'm also getting crashes in the Trial of Chaos, and that is the only place in the game where I have had any crashes happen, two to be exact.
The last one it happened was when I was Blinking during fight with the bird boss.
I had Lightning rune 2, corrupted blood lasers, Atzoatl roomba boss, enemies vining on hit, and enemies bleeding/poisoning on hit (might have forgot one).
I think the other occasion was also during a boss fight but I am not sure.
Last edited by TheEighthPanda#4917 on Dec 16, 2024, 1:58:17 PM
I had a crash on the chaos cores activity. Collected no cores, ran to podium to take out a chunk of mobs then crashed.

PC specs: 4070ti, i7-13700k, Win11 latest
since last night i have done 3 trial of chaos and each turn on round 9/10 i got crash immediately coming off the elevator and engaging the pack of mobs , wish GGG would address these crashes more often so i wont waste my keys and times over there , but anyway not worth to do trial in any way till they fix this crash issue .
Happening to me as well. I have lost at least 4 keys to the trial of chaos. Please fix this!
I have twice crashed during Trials of Chaos, the Ultimatium is lost and I appear outside the trial with all progress lost. This happened after round 4 and during round 3

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