Couch Co-op Suggestions

1) Screen limitations. Please make the screen zoom out a bit farther in boss arenas. For single player, that makes "far shot"-builds too powerful, and I like to be foreced to keep close to the enemies and learn the mechanics. For multiplayer, everyone has their own screen, so there is no problem.
For couch co-op however, it happened quite often on the act 1 boss and his "I smell your blood and I am ravenous"-move that one of us was forced into his ice spikes because we had not been running in the same direction and there was no way for both players to stand in clear spots due to being on the edges of the screen. This happens not only when on opposite ends, but also when one is on 9 and one on 12 o'clock. For this specific arena, just 10% more zoom would suffice in my estimate and make the fight much more enjoyable due to the deaths feeling "earned"

2) Please make it possible for both players to be trading at the same time. Especially in the beginning, where you're pretty much forced to pick everything up so you can disenchant it to even have the chance to ever get 1 or 2 good modifiers on a solid base, it is haunting to always have to wait for the other one to complete their trade. Even moreso, when one is checking their skill tree and the other runs up to a vendor.
Last bumped on Dec 22, 2024, 8:07:28 PM
+1 on the screen size for couch co-op, one of us is being dragged into the path of the both unless we're both in almost identical places which really isn't the best method for most of the bosses. A zoom option for those who want to be further/closer would solve this instead of preset option for all. The screen seems to focus in and centre on P1 rather than a shared middle between us/a practical balance, both which is very frustrating

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