PoE2, PS5, Disconnects when TP to the town.

Am I the only one who has issues with TP back to the town?

Almost every time (8 out of 10) I'm trying to go back to the town the game wents back to login wondw. Is there anything I can do to fix it?
It should somehow depend on the network traffic. Because the most ennoying disconnect happend at primetime (like 19/20). BUT!!!! there are now issues or problems with PoE2 on PC on prime!!!
YES, I have both versions.

P.S. my personal respect to developer for a very good start on PC, not a joke. Thank you.
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 3:23:12 PM
boys plz fix your game!!! its so a little thing we got all time dc on ps5 if we use the fucking portal oder waypoint to city! it cant be so hard to fix this ez shit bugg ppplzzzz game is so good but it fuck so hard up with this disconnets
Hey Same issue Here 6/10 Times i want to Port into the City i end Up on the Main Menue.
Same issue, my record is 13 tries until I was able to get to the City.
Since 2 days it's even better, if I go to town I loose progress on my map, happy exploring everything again yeah so much fun.....

Teleport should get a new description....

"Has a 90% chance for a disconnect. This chance is reduced by 5% until you get to your desired destination."

I guess balance has a higher priority then stability, until now there was mostly balance stuff going on in patches.

pllllllzzzzz fix your game! this dcs suck hard ty it cant be so hard to fix it
Yeah same for me. Especially when you trade with another Player and you disconnect,while you port to them

Pls fix it!
It’s the same for me. Only in evening I have these disconnects while I’m porting. During the day all is working fine. Playing also on PS5
This sh*t is annoying me to the core that I want to fu**img quit the game. Can never teleport back to town on first attempt. Cannot warp to any friends or to trade. It’s unplayable to this point along with the frame drops. Fix these first plz instead of balancing. Jesus!!
Same here, it tends to be worse in the evening times
Same here.
Fiber 1000/500
Ports open

Makes it unplayable

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