Careful Selling Your Item Too Cheap To *Timewasting Spoofers*
Be careful if you have to go 'research' the value of an item you found and want to list on the website.
There are fraudster listings on the market. People are listing items that have 4-5 GREAT mods (with GREAT rolls) for VERY low (IE: 1 Exalt, but sometimes more too). They are -NEVER- going to sell the items they're listing for this price. They simply won't answer anyone... What they're doing, is trying to get YOU to list a *very similar* item for the low, low price of 1 exalt too! See, if you find something and think, "this may be good, let me try and figure out what it's worth." what will happen, is you will go see these items they've listed, and see them for 1,2 maybe even 5+ exalt. Then you will get disappointed, but throw yours up for the same price! Guess what? They're sitting there waiting with 'Live Search' + Filters to buy what you just listed for so, so cheap. It's not hard to imagine when you think about it. These are no better than SCAMMERS, but worse, because they are wasting everyone's time with their FRAUD listing, which they never intend to sell (probably receiving 1000s of messages themselves)! It's not happening a lot yet, but it's going to get worse. It's a bad system in place here, easily taken advantage of. It's crazy someone can list an item but never really it for that. It's called 'spoofing' in the stock market. Last bumped on Dec 14, 2024, 3:47:48 AM
Carnie blood with Gypsy tendencies. You should ask your folks about the Matisse.
I mean that is pretty easy to observe. If you get one or several whispers in the same minute you put the item for sale, you definitely put it for a low price. I especially wait at least 5-10 minutes before whispering someone while I'm live searching an item, because I don't want people to raise their prices more.
Last edited by accussed22#5269 on Dec 14, 2024, 3:48:16 AM