Shaper of Winter freeze?

Simple question:
Does the Stormweaver ascendancy “Shaper of Winter” also give freeze buildup or only chill for non-cold damage?

Last edited by Kurnis#0620 on Dec 15, 2024, 1:06:21 PM
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 6:51:38 PM
Anyone have any idea?
No one knows apparently :( Guess I'll have to spend the gold and try it out if I ever get my second ascendancy
let me know bro, I'm curious about the same
No, it doesn't allow other damage types to freeze enemies, besides cold.
In fact Shaper of Winter barely chills anyone, at least as a fire mage.

It felt so weak I'd rather have one of those minor + attribute nodes instead, but maybe in some other build it could be marginally useful.

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