Act III Trials and Molten Lava Boss need a rework

I am not going to spend my entire day redoing the Act III Trials because on round 5 I get 1 shotted by some stupid Vulture boss's Tornado move. If youre going to make me go through 10 stupid trials all at once with ZERO exp gain through the process, no where to bank or sell items, no progression through repetition, and where you can 1 shot die as a Warrior, I am going to call bad game design.

I can not pass the Molten Forge boss as I have a tankier build, and I cant do enough damage to kill him before I reach the end of the time limit. I can get past the Trials if i feel like wasting my entire afternoon starting over because of a bosses single 1 shot move, but theres been a few instances of punishment for builds that are not super damage oritented.

I know its early access, but ive stepped into several instances where any sort of lower damage, high armor builds are stonewalled by bosses that just need to be cheesed by high damage builds some nerd has worked out first week of gameplay.

I wouldnt say progression is impossible but it is certainly not enjoyable. Path of Exile 2 has been enjoyable most of the time, but I have ran into places where I just ask, why? The trials are one of them. Just plain why? At least make the monsters grant exp so if I fail, I dont feel like im playing just some stupid high score game where when you lose, you make no progression and you are reset. I get this mechanic with bosses having to be replayed to learn the moves, these trials are just braindead, no fun, time wasting content that insults both my skill and wastes my time. You have made it punishing enough to play a warrior build, stop with the trials being such a huge time burn or I would rather spend my time doing something fun since the content is both not fun, and not rewarding in the Trials.

I was going to play today with my day off but after spending 2 hours getting zero exp and zero progression, replaying the Molten Forge boss and then the Trials, I would rather try out another game or do something else. I hope this is fixed because I am no new player to ARPGs and this is frustrating even with my patience and being decent at the game.
Last edited by joevw007#4335 on Dec 13, 2024, 10:42:36 AM
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 2:40:09 PM
Yeah the trials suck especially 10 rounds lol... maybe they should shorten it to at least 5 or 6 rounds, ive gotten crappy debuffs each run lol gotten to round 8 than it just gets worse it seems lol... than having to do it all over sucks lol... maybe make each room drop good gear or item for a insentive? i gave up on trials of chaos myself for now lol
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado."
yeah... u need to save all your trials , when they drop

than level up, that u are some levels above. maybe 5-10 levels. Than u can try it in easy mode ( hmm , a little bit easier mode )

Thats a bad design joice.
I died by the fucking blood bird, because i ran arround for 30 sec , and could not target the bird again... only the dog...

Trial failed, with 2% Boss life... XD that was nearly a rage quit for me. But i said to myself... "Its early Acess, relax!"

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