Controller Targeting Feedback and Suggestions (Comprehensive)

Projectile skills.
The Problem
1. The auto targeting for Projectile skills is too aggressive in almost every situation. The player will often be trying to aim at a group of enemies in the distance knowing that a closer enemy will die to a secondary projectile or get caught in the aoe of the skill. The larger pack of incoming enemies is a more prominent threat but auto targeting will almost always prioritize the closer target often resulting in your death by angry mob.

The Solutions
1. Allow players the option to have auto targeting turned off for projectile skills while holding a direction with the right stick.(Ideally a per-skill toggle with an option in the settings to make this the default) Twin stick controls are perfect for aiming so please put the control into the players hands.

2. Adjust auto targeting for Projectile skills to be biased much more heavily towards player aim direction over enemy proximity when aiming using right stick.

Free targeting/ground targeted skills.
The Problems
1. By default these target directly on top of the enemy but will miss frequently due to the enemies moving towards you during their travel time.
2. The much appreciated but somewhat sloppily implemented free targeting option on some skills such as wall of fire is basically unusable for two reasons. The first is that the aiming feels too fast and floaty to accurately target where you want to. The second problem is that the hold and release time is too slow to work effectively in such a fast paced game.

The Solutions
1. Adjust the auto target functionality of ground targeting skills aim slightly off center of the target in your direction with the enemy centered in the furthest 33% of the ground effect to account for travel time and enemy movement. (Hope this makes sense)
2A. Add some sort of sensitivity curve to the free aim function to make aiming feel more natural. Not exactly sure on the numbers here. My intuition says to have some sort of deceleration curve that gets slower as you push your stick further from center. May also need some slight slowing down of targeting close to the player as well.
2B. Have a toggleable translucent ground targeting cursor that is active at all times allowing for one button press free aim targeting. (Have a toggleable setting to only show this ground targeting cursor when a ground targetable skill is socketed 'on by default')

Rolling Slam and Other Redirectables
The Problems
1. When not pushing in any direction with the right stick, you can redirect Rolling Slam's movement with left stick which feels natural. If you however are aiming in any particular direction with right stick when activated, Rolling Slam will instead require you to adjust the movement of the skill with the right stick which feels janky and unintuitive.
2. If you aren't actively aiming away from enemies you are moving away from with right stick, Shield Charge will charge at enemies behind you if they are close when you activate the skill. This slows down traversal in the game at best and will get you swarmed and killed at worst.

The Solutions
1. Rolling Slam's movement should always be redirected using the left stick. Pretty sure this is how both shield charge and stampede work already so not sure why Rolling Slam is the outlier here.
2. Shield Charge and all other charge skills should always move in the direction your character is facing on activation and be Redirectables with left stick. Auto targeting for these skills should be disabled by default as most players will consider it a hinderance. (Having auto targeting you can turn on for these skills should be fine so long as they are off by default)

Other Thoughts and General Feedback
1. We need the option to toggle full right stick aim gameplay on for controller. I mean that it should always act as if you are aiming in a direction and not reset your players aim direction on release of the right stick. (Similar to how WASD works on PC.) Give more control control to the player please.
2. Wall of Fire's default functionality should be to place it right in front of the player character in the direction they are facing in order to be using with projectiles. The way it works right now makes no sense.
3. Skills that have direct interactions with other skills such as Magnetic Salvo with lightning rods, should focus targeting on the things they can interact with over targeting a specific enemy. (My ground targeting reticle change ideas from earlier would help with things like this a lot)

Closing Thoughts
To anyone who took the time to read this.
1. None

1. Thanks!
2. Please feel free to reply with any other targeting issues and suggestions you may have. GGG are better off armed with more knowledge.
3. How you feel about the way the game plays matters. Don't assume your the only one who feels that way.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 3:08:28 AM
Hey, nice post.

Something weird is happening with the targeting thats for sure. Thought that might be me getting used to right stick aiming but i found myself often trying to "trick" the game to not change the targets.

Like freezing salvo and magnetic salvo have this thing going that if you are backing up and shooting it will prioritize the left stick and just shot the other way. So many gimmicks and finger gymnastics that you have to do to actually aim.

And also am I the only one using only the triggers and bumpers for skills? like the right side buttons seem useless, maybe for a mark skill or smth... or am I doing something really stupid.

Tho i can see the challenge in making this work, predicting what the player wants to do in the exact moment with so many different playstyles feels imposible to comprehend.

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