Help me understand how to scale recoup

Yo, I am making a chaos caster and have some questions regarding recoup and chronos, mainly how to scale it well while still being at the top of the tree, I'm still trying to get my head around how I should build and if anyone has tried it successfully yet.

My first thought was I would scale recoup with energy shield but that seems like I am investing too much into defense and if I should scale back my energy shield.

Maybe I try full life and armor with a little regen to top me off?

Maybe I need to go evasion to dodge hits while my ES recharges?

If anyone has any insight to how to scale properly I would love some help, thanks =)

Also: I play on hardcore so I don't mind scaling a bit more defensively
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 3:45:31 PM

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