Skeleton summons should use their own abilities automatically.

Plea~se make it so that they use the skills automatically!
Just the brief window of time that gets lost when I have to command my literally brainless skelly minions to use their skills, is a timewindow lost in which I could have used another skill.

I would also sacrifice a full support gem for this if this is what it takes.
Or a support gem that activates the Profane ritual automatically when I kill an enemy with some scource of chaos damage.

Maybe that sounds lazy...

... but when I play the witch I want to have more time to look at the hopefully beautiful environment, take it all in, immerse myself and not constantly think of some sort of button-mesh rotation, so that my Witch operates with optimal output.

During pretty much every battle encounter my eyes follow the cooldown timers of my abilities more while I more or less walk in evasive manuevers while I spam my spells.
This is how most battles go.
When there is an enemy, a boss probably, so powerful I actually have to watch said boss's move... I will do so.
But in general I wish I would have more time to do so.
By not having to spam so many spells manually.

The Witch is a powerful class but is it a fun class, the way she currently plays?
Can't say.
All I know is that hitting some abilities over and over and OVER can get repetitive pretty quickly.

Please don't make me tell my skeletons to use their abilities.
They can walk on their own too.
And auto-attack too.
Surely they would not forget to use their skills as well.
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 8:07:50 PM
Agreed, and the idea to automate it via a support gem seems perfect to me. My thinking:
- do I want to automate the skeleton warrior focus mode? No
- do I want to automate the skeleton sniper gas bomb? Potentially
- do I want to automate the skeleton arsonist suicide explosion? Sometimes
- do I want to automate the skeleton mage frost bomb? Yes, always

Putting it in a support gem let’s us choose whether it makes sense for the setup we have, as well as consider if we’d rather give up a support gem slot or some casting time.

The latter is quite interesting because for example the casting time on archers feels worth it because I can explode the gas, but on frost mages it doesn’t because my own skill does way more damage than their frost bomb. So the former I am ok to make the casting investment, with the latter I’d rather invest a support gem slot.
My Skelly's are usually dead about 5 seconds after every respawn with the bosses anyway. I can get a couple poison shots if I'm real lucky, then wait for the respawn.

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