Gem Stash turned remove-only


I just purchased the Exalted Stash bundle and started using it.
I created a 2nd character on my account and when i got to town my gem stash tabs turned remove only. So a couple of hours after playing my gem stash tabs basically became worthless.
I only play on PS5, both characters in standard.
The gem stash tabs are remove only for both characters.

Please fix this, I just spend all my coins for new tabs and like 2 hours after buying they became worthless and obsolete.

Even better, after removing the gems out of the tab and relogging the newly purchased tab just completely disappeared, filter to hide remove only tabs is not set...

Please refund my tab!
Last edited by De-caf#9305 on Dec 12, 2024, 12:27:45 PM
Last bumped on Dec 20, 2024, 9:43:31 AM
Same problem, i have like 10 tabs on pc and they are all remove only on PS
Same problem except the other way around. Tabs are remove only on PC. I have 695 points listed in my account but cannot spend them on PC. PC and PS5 microtransactions are not syncing. Character was created on PS5 and can be played on PC but no transactions available on PC.
MTX are not shared between PC and PS5. (Or XBox and PS5)

Tabs that you own but are not currently available (due to being on a different platform) are set to Remove-Only.

Not sure about the OP, but for the rest of you, that's the issue. It's been clearly stated in several places. It's mostly a Sony issue, as GGG said they wanted full crossplay, and they have it on XBox, but Sony refused to play ball.
QQPQ#9136 wrote:
MTX are not shared between PC and PS5. (Or XBox and PS5)

Tabs that you own but are not currently available (due to being on a different platform) are set to Remove-Only.

Not sure about the OP, but for the rest of you, that's the issue. It's been clearly stated in several places. It's mostly a Sony issue, as GGG said they wanted full crossplay, and they have it on XBox, but Sony refused to play ball.

Even then, something is up. When you log in PC and PS5, stash tabs get messed up. I've lost a public stash tab and my tabs turned to remove only and I played PS5 only. I just logged on PC to see how the game fared with the freeze bug.

Now, I'm back on PS5 and the tabs I bought on wednesday turned to remove only, even the public one I used to trade this past two days.

Something is not working.
I purchased everything at launch via PS5. Now I am on PC. All premium tabs purchased function properly. The gem tab is stuck on REMOVE ONLY.

I agree that "something is up" and this isn't a Sony issue. Why would only my gem tab and no other purchased tabs switch to remove only?

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