(Couch co-op) Trial of sekhemas bugs

At first, I've enjoy this game (even if this is still Early Access).

I've met two bugs, which happened to me during couch co-op sessions. Let's begin:

1. After putting quest item from Balbala or any trial item, player one have constant room closed even after beating room, while player two have this door opened after beating room. Except...

2. Hourglass trial. In couch co-op even after beating this trial, the door still is not opened even if timer runs out, which means completed trial. In this case, enemies endlessly spawn, forcing us to leave from trial through PS5 menu.

I'm hope, that those two bugs will be fixed.
Last edited by Ruurka#9736 on Dec 12, 2024, 10:12:35 AM
Last bumped on Jan 9, 2025, 8:56:24 AM
I‘m also facing the very same bug during the hourglass challenge on couch coop (Xbox)
same problem. door won't open after timer.
PS5 couch coop.
Lost all my relic, restart the game I cant go back to the room.
I've experienced a ton of issues with couch co-op on PS5, it was a breath of fresh air to have the feature to couch co-op, but then a slap in the face with each and every bug.

1. I've also had the experience of the sekhemas trial doors not opening after a room is completed, where enemies would continually spawn. It happened where the first player finished trial prior, the coin of the second player was used to initiate the trial. I was taking my partner through the trial on his monk. It was deflating to say the least. To top it off after having the leave the trial through the PS5 menu, when reentering the game, the coin that was tied to the trial and green quest was bugged and was missing. The option to retry the trial from the NPC was gone completely and we were forced to farm the coin to complete the quest. We tried to farm for another coin, but there's no guaranteed drop locations, which made us farm for a couple days to get another coin to reattempt. The coin drop rates need to be raised drastically or give certain fights, bosses, or enemy types a guaranteed drop especially if you don't have a coin in either player inventory.

2. There's also a bug that in the sekhemas involving the relic locker. When couch co-op, if player 2 is accessing the locker, it either won't allow them to place any relic into the altar from the relic locker. The relic had to be placed into the player 2's inventory first then placed into the locker, which is wierd when the option to directly access the relic locker is an option for player 1.

There's ton of other bugs that I've encountered around the trials of sekemas or the ultimatum trials. Some minor and some quite annoying. I'll try to post as many as I can. There should be a direct way to post about bugs and such tied into the game menu on PC and consoles.

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