New video game player gets nerfed into depression

Hi team,
I had never planned to post to any video game forum ever - today changed that. The nerfs that were done crippled my build and now I can't really play.
Am I a crybaby? No, I'm not. I rolled a sorc, I had no idea what I was doing, just playing a video game I thought, well I got wrecked for Act I and II but I never complained about a 'hard game' or 'dark souls bosses' because I believed in the game. I'm not an elite gamer, probably not even good, but I just stuck with it and had fun even though it was tough. I believed in the reputation this studio has and those who experienced the first one. My belief did dwindle, not going to lie, 40 hours I kind of struggled with testing builds until I clicked into the ice sorc. Finally a build that could slow those crazy fast enemies and do actual damage. I was having fun, my efforts and struggles felt justified and I thought that it made the journey worth it. Act III was a breeze compared to the first two and I was looking forward to the next difficulty.
Until I logged in today...
Suddenly no damage. Turns out cold sorc was nerfed with no viable alternative other than to respect to even clear basic content much less a boss. It feels bad, I'm not ready to go back to the struggle. I guess this is what happens with early access games and maybe I should've prepared for this. I cleared my work calendar to grind for gear and try some side quest bosses but now I'm at a loss.

And for those who would say 'git gud' or 'skill issue' you're right on both fronts and both I accomplished to a playable degree.
I won't trash the game or talk bad about it, just wanted someone to know what your choices do to us players.
Have a nice day, I know I won't.
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 8:52:37 AM

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