Aiming on gamepad feels really, really bad

Aiming any non-projectile skill feels mostly RNG to me, there's no rhyme or reason to it.

ED/Contagion Witch was simply unplayable because I couldn't reliably hit the same target with both spells. Contagion would just apply to a random monster somewhere in the vicinity and the worst thing is that it's almost impossible to tell in advance which monster would that be. Fighting the last boss in Act 2 was an absolute torture since I couldn't quickly focus adds while in a bubble, literally couldn't quickly target and kill the closest enemy.

Now I'm playing a minion build and it's not that much better either, since placing Pain Offering spike is also very janky. I have to use the "manual" aiming by holding the button and moving the cursor around with R3, but it STILL doesn't work consistently since sometimes I see my character doing the casting animation and I see my mana being spent... but the spike is nowhere to be seen. The same thing goes for casting curses, frost mages' "command" ability and basically any other non-directional skill.

Today I failed a Ritual room on the 3rd floor of Sekhema Trial (or whatever it's called, the sanctum 2.0) because I couldn't command my minions to attack summoners while being chased by a swarm of serpent dudes.

I've played many other ARPGs on a gamepad and this is by far the clunkiest experience I've had with aiming abilities. Like sometimes I'd be facing a monster, press a button, and my character turns around and throws a curse behind herself at literally nobody.

Please, either fix the aim assist or give us an ability to lock and switch targets easily using the right stick.
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2025, 7:46:38 PM
I 100% agree. I die from shooting the wrong mob with auto aim targeting a small group behind me and on the other side of the acreen rather than the huge mob steps in front of me.

I really hope they can improve this else i will need to buy back up co trollers in the inevitable event of rage winning over my patience.
Targeting has customisation in the Bind Screen, you can set your character to use Ranged or Melee and then customise it to suit your style of play.

Automatic is just the default to aid beginners.

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