"Reforming Minions" acting as a buff NOT fixed with 0.1.0d Patch

It looks like "Buff Expiry Rate" on the Chronomancer applies to the minion revive "buff". Is this intended?
It would make a lot more sense for this to be a "debuff" that can be sped up with "Debuff Expiry Rate".

I'm fairly certain minion revive was missed in the latest patch. My power charge timer is no longer blue but minion revive still is. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3621299
Fixed a bug where "Buffs on you expire Slower" from the Prolonged Assault Notable Passive Skill and other Chronomancer Ascendancy Passive Skills was applying to Debuffs and other effects as well as Buffs.

Last edited by wivarn#6235 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:25:12 PM
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 6:20:58 AM
Bumping after edit for visibility
Just come across this same annoyance - feels like being punished for trying something more out of the box with minion chronomancer
same, a shame that i feel like i am ebtter off NOT having my ascendancy :/
Last edited by Claymorefan5#1438 on Dec 29, 2024, 6:30:47 AM

I hope it gets patched soon. It's kinda annoying and I like the Minion Chronomancer.
I also noticed the same thing on a Chaos run where the selected item in the run was the one that accelerate buff expiration and reduce buff duration.
The timer for reviving minions was going faster (which is a benefit).
I think that the minions reviving should be a debuff like the OP said.

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