Strange Shadow Effect On All Enemies

Since sometime around the start of cruel difficulty, I've had this strange blurring shadow effect on all enemies in the game, and neither re-installing nor changing display settings has fixed it. Below is a link to a video of an example of this.

My instinct tells me this is some sort of visual effect an enemy can have for whatever reason, but something has happened to cause it be on all enemies at all times. It's not a big problem and am still playing away at the game, and hopefully it's not too common too. But I would like it to be fixed!
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 5:14:41 AM
this is your "Overwhelming presence" skill debuff's visual effect)
it constantly affects all enemies around you
Oh! Well that makes sense, though in that case I think the visual effect needs some work because it makes the enemies blurry when they move, good to know though! Thank you.

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