Cluster Grenades don't work with weapon swap

Bug Report ID: #279565695

I have cluster grenades set to work on weapon 1, and some other skills on weapon 2. If I fire a cluster grenade and immediately swap weapons, the mini grenades don't spawn and I get only the primary explosions.
Last bumped on Feb 14, 2025, 10:41:14 PM

Running a shotgun + shield build. Swapping to my shield at the time of detonation causes the cluster bomblets to not appear. As long as I swap back to my crossbow, the cluster bomblets will appear.

There may be some snapshotting problems where the cluster bomblets are snapshot at the time of the primary detonation rather than at the time of launch.
I am also getting this issue.

Weapon Set 1 is my primary weapon.
Weapon Set 2 is my grenade weapon.

Weapon Set 2 has nodes that increase number of grenade projectiles. Weapon Set 1 does not.

Swapping weapons before the cluster grenades explode into smaller grenades causes them to fizzle and there is no follow up explosion.

I thought it was a result of those passives being different, but the above posters indicate that is not the issue.
Yes same problem.
When I get swarmed I throw a cluster grenade and switch to my mace, but if I switch to my mace before the main grenade explode, the mini grenades won't appear.
#31 of Rampage League after 7 days played.
Same problem, easy to reproduce

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