PS5 travel disconnect / PS5 ständiger Absturz. (Help)

Bitte reparieren Sie das Spiel, damit die Spieler zumindest spielen können? Meine Freunde werden jedes Mal aus dem Spiel geworfen, wenn sie auf PS5 reisen, das ist unspielbar!!!! Es gibt wichtigere Dinge als die Reparatur des Hexen build, es ist wichtiger die PS5 Version stabil zu machen!!! "bitte liken und kommentieren", damit es Aufmerksamkeit bekommt!

Please fix the game so players can at least play? My friends are kicked out of the game every time they travel on PS5, that's unplayable!!!! There are more important things than fixing the witch build, it's more important to make pS5 version stable!!! "please like and comment" just so it gets attention!
Last bumped on Dec 15, 2024, 6:47:43 AM
Same for me. Playing on ps5.

Playing with cable connection, Crossplay is on.
Tested my internet on different games, works fine.
Only problems in PoE 2. So must be some server issue?

I tried all different gateways manually.
No difference to Auto Gateway.

Disconnect happens always when travelling.
(like 90 % of all time)
No difference by using portal or waypoint.
By using a portal or waypoint i get a loading screen,
followed by "Unexpected Disconnection Occurred"

Please fix travelling on ps5.

It's exactly these problems that my PlayStation 5 friends have. Whether solo or in a group. When teleporting or entering other areas, charge screen and then disconnect. It's impossible to play.
are any of you using Pathfinder with the poison/fire/lightning etc. grenades? if yes remove it from your hotbar and you can travel again.
Okay thanks for the tip. But it was already like that right at the beginning of the game. So at level 1 already....
Bumping this up.

Switched to a Ps5 Pro yesterday.

Same disconnects for me. FPS are better because of Ps5 Pro.
Lags, freezes, network spikes are the same.

Disconnects seem to be lower when playing in the morning til midday.
Disabling crossplay seem to help overall. (which is no solution !!!)
In the Afternoon and evening its unplayable.

So again, it must be a Server issue.
All other games or services in my household run fine.

Please GGG fix the technical side for console players.

This should not be the state of the game for full release.
If this wasn´t an Early access (which i paid for) i would definitely ask for a refund.
yeah same. Mostly when porting to the caravan.

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