Failing a Trial Softlocks the Game

Trials are just too buggy right now to bother with, at least on PS5. Overlay lags the pause menu so much you risk crashing if you check your inventory, Balbala didn't refund her coin like she's supposed to on failure, and failing softlocks the game because there's no button to revive or leave & you can't pause.
Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 2:07:39 PM
Don't know about the "not refunding coin" part. Each time I failed I just spoke to Balbala and chose "attempt trial again" (or something similar to that) option and got my coin again that way. At least for the first set of Ascendancy points since it is only for the first set from what I've heard. HOWEVER, upon failing Trial of the Sekhemas, I'm unable to do anything. No option to resurrect in any way. Can't bring up the pause menu. Only way is to completely close the game using the Playstation XMB/HOME button.
Sorry for the formatting, Holy_Nolly. New to the forum and I'm on mobile.

The coin refund problem was odd. It didn't happen to me personally, but it happened to my wife right next to me. When I failed the trial, Balbala gave me her coin again, but when my wife failed the trial she hosted, Balbala did not offer her a coin.

As for the other problems, they seem to be very common for console players across the board. We have to completely close the game from the dashboard if we fail the trial.

Did you experience really laggy menus in your trial? Ours were incredibly laggy and even caused a couple crashes. My suspicion is the honour overlay in the trial itself is really not happy with going into a background load.

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