Any chance in the future our POE1 MTX's and tabs will transfer to POE2 on PS5?
I'm a long time POE player and I'm loving the great game you're created in POE2 and I'm super impressed that you're allowing players to carry over all the things they've purchased and earned over the years in your first series of the title. Very unheard of in the gaming industry where companies are usually just concerned with making the most profit and force you to rebuy all your stuff back. I was super excited to find this out since I've spent around $520 on MTX's in the first game that will be a little rarer in POE2. However, after a lot of research I have found out Sony is blocking this transfer for playstation players only. X-Box is getting theirs. I don't want this to bring bad press or negativity to your great title and if I have to give it up I'm still going to go forward and enjoy your game but what can be done to help change this if anything? I've already reached out to a couple streamers to see if they'll cover the information so maybe enough people will make better decisions on which console or system they want to purchase the title on and purchase future MTX's on hoping this may make Sony realize this may not be a great long term decision for them. I hope one of them will pick it up and get the information out there. But for anyone that doesn't know here are the details. Last bumped on Dec 12, 2024, 4:32:06 PM
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Two years ago Sony complained about monopolicy tactics from Microsoft, when Microsoft bought Activision blizzard. Now sony tries to be the same kind assholes . Shame. I personally don't have any hopes for now . Maybe three four years after full release of the game..
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I would love some clarity on this before buying Early Access on PS5. Will I get to play my pc characters on my ps5, or does it only work the other way around? I can select my psn account when logged into the pc version, but I have no credits or poe1 stash tabs available, just the basic 4 stash tabs. The pc poe1 stash tabs appear to be available on the pc sub account just fine.
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From the research I was doing, the developers did talk about character transfers or cross play being possible eventually but mtx and stash tabs and obviously game stability and balance probably coming first. But it appears Sony doesn't want anything transfered over which is why I researched and brought this topic up. I think it needs to be know so people can make an informed decision about which platform to purchase and play on, especially if they have poe1 characters and content available. I probably would have spent my money on steam for poe2 had I known about this earlier. It's really great of ggg to be putting in this extra time and effort for their community for no extra profit for themselves but Sony is really doing something selfish it seems that needs to be known to buyers who plan to play this game possibly for the next 5-10 years.
They're likely to end missing out on all future mtx transactions if people realize this and buy on other platforms. |
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Wow did not know that. That's bad news. So it was a mistake not playing the PC version.
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" Weird that all MTX I bought on Diablo 4 transfers to PC and vice versa. It's easy to blame Sony/Playstation and their rules are probably F'd up, but come on, if Blizzard and other games can do it, why can't GGG? Edit: And as the game is always online, why isn't MTX saved "online" too, and can be accessed from any platform??!! Just saying... Last edited by PaladinZeke#9011 on Dec 11, 2024, 9:00:05 AM
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" Ppl who r having MTX, coins and tabs on PC can just log on Xbox and use it there too without any problems. And in your mind its GGG fault, that they cant do it too on PS5? Wow. Guess, GGG must just hate ppl playing on PS5 and love ppl playing on Xbox. |
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" Wow, touched a nerve here or what? I just said I bought MTX in D4 on PS5 and it shows up on the PC version too. And I bought VoH expansion and got it on both PS5 and PC... I know people playing Fortnite that can access Vbucks and whatnot on both platforms. It can be done. So take your consolewar somewhere else. I never mentioned xbox, did I?!! Edit: But to adress your comment further: PoE1 on PS4/PS5 has alot more bugs than xbox version, so yes, I think GGG favours m$ for sure. They don't seem that eager to get their games up to "top-notch" status on Playstation, why, I dunno, that you need to ask GGG about. Last edited by PaladinZeke#9011 on Dec 11, 2024, 10:15:49 AM
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" That is a fair point but it's not that you don't get access to them on ps5. I can use my account that has them and I can see all of them. But they're all marked as unavailable and can't be equiped. GGG has said it's Sony that's not allowing it. Even if I pull them up on poe1 on ps5 they're visible but it gives a message saying they are unusable due to not being purchased on this(Sony's) platform. |
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And the funny think is that most people want just the stash tabs not the cosmetics. Does anyone know what is the official opinion about all this ?
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