Gamepad social features are an absolute disaster + inventory management just worse than poe 1...
I just want to say that all the social features from trading, typing in chat, linking stuff to chat, etc. just all feel terrible in comparison to PoE 1.
Trading- Problem - When a trade offer is extended i shouldn't have to open up the start menu and then awkwardly slide over to a little pop up that's like off the left side of the screen. Solution - Just make it like PoE 1 where you get a little notification front and center at the bottom of your screen and just have to press start to open the trade window. Typing in chat/linking items to chat- Problem - Why should we have to open the chat window then have to press "B", then cross back over to our inventory just to link something... Solution - Leave the "link item to chat" option in the inventory screen, and if you link an item have it automatically pull up the chat window. ----------------------- Problem - Why is the button to type in chat the same one to open/close chat(i know its hold vs press)... Also why after linking an item and accidentally close the chat does it erase whatever i typed... in PoE 1 it would save whatever you had typed until you either chose to send or erase the text/linked item. Solution - Change the hotkey for "open/close chat" and "type in chat" to different keys, and save any typed or linked items at the odd chance we do accidentally close the window. Inventory management- Problem- All the hotkeys are just back-asswords from Poe1 and there is no apparent reason for the change... Also why is the same button to pick up an item in a trade window with vendors the one to accept the trade... the amount of times i get stuck picking up an item is really annoying -_-. solution- change all the keybinds back to PoE 1, they go as follows: Y- to pick up B- to unstack(when hovering over a stacked item) B-to close inventory X- to quick move A- Use an item(accept trade with vendors) I'm sure I missed a few things, but I feel if you guys work more with your PoE 1 console team you could easily smooth a lot of this over. Not trying to be a downer I do have faith in Jeff, Trev and the rest of the team console/gamepad side of PoE 2. it's just these aspects of console are hands down the biggest downgrade going from PoE 1 to PoE 2. Thank you. Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 8:01:01 AM
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" I admit, it's been a lot of years since playing POE1 on console, but did they fix this? When I played, pressing B on an item in the inventory went to a "sockets" mode so I could socket gems. It was so dumb since B to close inventory is what it should have been. I'm glad to hear they changed that since pretty much every game uses B to close out of an open menu or dialog. |
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I can't agree. I've played POE1 on controller extensively and I find this version exponentially better. You sound like you're having problems to adapt to change. In fact, all you have to comment on that is, essentially, that they have changed them.
POE1 was unnecessarily complex, seeing you hitting multiple combinations of buttons everywhere. Here is more streamlined and buttons retain the same function across different screen. I played with 4 other guys who were completely new and almost everything came up to them instinctively, which I guess was the feeling they were going for. |
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Totally agree. They created a problem about something that worked perfect.
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" I feel like you completely misunderstood what I'm saying... I have no issue with actual gameplay, I agree that is overall better. But having to do anything from 2-5 extra button presses to interact with the social system is just worse. Like linking an item in poe 1 was: (RS+B) then you pressed (B) to close inventory, then you'd open chat with (start) Press (A) to send. In poe 2 it's: Open chat with (hold LB), press (B) two times, tab over to item, hold to link item to chat, press (A) to attempt to send item, it pulls keyboard up, press (B) to close keyboard, press (A) to send. This is flat out worse. |
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" Naw they didn't change this, but this only happened if you hovered a skill that had sockets. Just like unstack only happened if you were over a item which was stacked. The gem socket thing here in poe 2 is a non-issue |
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