Limited Feedback - Three A+'s from our household.
I'll try to keep this brief. Xbox X and PS5 used.
Pro's * I love the difficultly, my kids (13 and 10) love the difficulty too. It was the 1st thing they mentioned after saying they enjoyed playing the game, but they also liked that we had to work together and met plenty of bosses that killed us so we regrouped by re-running other bosses over and over in an attempt to get better loot and it worked or just kept trying until we finally beat them which usually was 2 of us dead and 1 keeping the fight alive. My son enjoyed the Merc but now loves the Monk a little more. My daughter really likes the Ranger. Both have multiple characters though and I am impressed and proud that they really enjoy the game and want to keep playing to move further and build their characters. This is a very welcome change from the games they usually play on their devices. I'm very proud and the credit goes to you guys! * I personally don't mind the loot drops, sure it could be a little more but finding white items can lead to incredible creations too. I believe I have found plenty of unique items in our limited play so far, probably roughly 6 to 8. * I will see how it turns out, but I have nearly maxed out all my resists at level 17, which I know is not very far, but we are taking it one boss at a time in this household. We are so close to beating the A1 final boss with the three of us, but it is a major hurdle. * atmosphere and graphics are awesome. I stopped playing Poe1 cause I just couldn't do the graphics anymore. Things to possibly improve * I'd love to see more "rare" enemies. Even in the first act, it would be a welcome sign to see more battles against stronger opponents while we search the maps. * With the maps as large as they are, would like to see more "things to do" at the various dead-ends. It is a large map to look for just 1-2 main areas that provide a better fight. The onslaught of "common" enemies is just very repetitive. * When playing 2 player on Xbox, the screen would be much nicer if we could zoom out. We get dragged a lot by the other person and it is more difficult for us to stay in the same area when one is melee and the other is range. * Each time we have "revived" our characters outside of the range we have, the game doesn't allow either player to move. We are stuck. This happened when one player was dead, the other player moved to keep attacking and moved the enemy further away, while our 3rd person (on PS5) revived the downed player, but as soon as that happened, we were stuck. * I think it takes too long to revive a player. It isn't impossible to do this during a boss fight, but it is nearly impossible in many of them. It is also very difficult to "start" the process of reviving. The system just doesn't accept the attempt so you stand there hoping it will activate when nothing happens. I don't know what the actual length in time is to revive a player, but I would love to see it cut in half to at least give us a chance to do it. * I'm not sure if there is a target dummy in this version yet, but another thing that would be nice to check out how various combinations work. * I look forward to seeing some things that I know are in POE1 implemented in POE2. * Would love if someday I actually feel like my character moves faster, I know I'm a slightly overweight American, but I don't want to feel that way in a video game too. Keep up the great work! We can't wait to keep exploring the game and continue the story line also. Last edited by xMatchbox 20x#8061 on Dec 10, 2024, 5:51:44 PM Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 5:50:19 PM
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