Please give console players an in game trade board.

Please bring the in game trade board back. It would really help console players.
Last bumped on Jan 17, 2025, 10:04:40 AM
Not needed just use trade site. They will send messages to people for you and you have access to trading with pc now. There won’t be a trade board coming due to that.
pc gets everything while we on console get nothing. its all a downgrade for us. ive spent over 400 dollars and cant even get chat to work. not one response about my problem.
they can CHEAT and modify files for filters while we cant. pc can CHEAT by suing third party apps while they are not on console.
isnt it funny how they at ggg have a no discrimination policy that doesnt apply to console players.
If your going to cry about a filter you can add one yourself nothing stopping you. Just pc has always had advantage over console the game was just a port. Anything they add would just be dominated by pc price fixing there is no solution for what you want.
If your going to cry about a filter you can add one yourself nothing stopping you. Just pc has always had advantage over console the game was just a port. Anything they add would just be dominated by pc price fixing there is no solution for what you want.

You can not add a filter on console. There is a Premade filter option that GGG implements into the console version. Which As of yet for PoE2 is not implemented. It's fine how they have it setup in PoE 1, so I'm sure whenever they add it to PoE2 it will also be fine, just a pain while waiting.

Not needed just use trade site. They will send messages to people for you and you have access to trading with pc now. There won’t be a trade board coming due to that.

You can't use the auto message for console on the trade site, it doesn't recognize you as online. So you need to manually message people in game which is very annoying, but it IS doable.
I’m not going to argue reality is y’all are going to to have to wait on never sink if you can’t make one yourself. As for the trade site I have no issues pming people on console to make trades. I also receive them as my tabs are public.
Also keep in mind neversink is not a ggg employee. He does the work not many people are willing to do he said it would all be up and running in a few weeks so just be patient.
I want to do SSF but us playstation plebs aren't allowed to do that

So many people thought it would be awesome being able to trade with PC but it's going to be complete cancer. You can't go from a trade market to no trade market.
Very easy to use and trade for consoles it’s not hard you can do it on your phone
Second device experience is terrible. Please, GGG, give us - and PC, btw, too - Poe1-console-style trade board.

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