Screen Tearing/Flickering Near End of Act 3

Specifically after going through the portal to the past. Tried all graphical adjustments I could, including lowering resolution, but seems to occur the most when foliage is present and the cold orbs are being cast.

Issue stopped in blood area and hasn’t come back in Cruel Act I so far.
Last bumped on Dec 13, 2024, 3:37:14 PM
Because we have no vsync option. GGG, please update!
It's not only act 3. It's doing it in maps and act 4 as well. I've tried every setting and can't get it fixed. Xbox series X is my console.
Interesting, I’m only seeing it slightly in town anywhere else and it isn’f as impacting. The area I mentioned though was a pain pont as it made tracking mobs even more difficult for me.

I thought my frames were locked anyway as my tv is several years old with lower refresh rate, but I’m not as rech savy as I once was.
I have the same thing with the green flickering in the encampment (act3). Especially when leaving the inventory or stash.

It also goes crazy when I fight against enemies in the drowned city. A lot of things appear in black boxes.

Graphics option changes doesnt help.

On the other hand, I am very grateful for the early access and love all the content in PoE 2!
Last edited by FabiRocktX1#3290 on Dec 13, 2024, 3:37:57 PM

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