Stormweaver - Crit Eye of Winter + Cast on Freeze Comet (Brainstorm with me)

Frostbolt feels really bad, whereas Eye of Winter feels smooth.
There's a trade off in that EoW costs more mana, but, it also grants Critical Weakness which is going to help scale up our nukes.

Let's share some thoughts on how to optimize. I threw this tree together but I'm sure I missed a lot



To fuel Cast on Freeze, we've got to build a lot of Freeze Buildup.

Reducing energy requirements through meta nodes on the northeast part of tree.

We'll be taking mana regen because the triggers drain our mana. I have 550 max mana, it often runs out after one or two packs, and even with a well rolled flask I end up having downtime where I have to wait. Without the Arcane Surge stuff it would probably be a real nightmare as the gems level up.


Cold damage, elemental damage, and crit (focusing more on crit damage than crit chance because we get free crit chance from Critical Weakness, and we spam multiple comets per cast with spell echo/unleash to fish for rng)


Seems minimal...Just +Energy Shield and some Recoup? Maybe I'm missing something but it doesn't seem like we've got many options.

Shield block is pretty far on the left side of the tree,
and Mind over Matter seems bad considering how mana hungry CoF is.)

Without Life nodes to choose from, it feels pretty boring, but I guess the game should be balanced around that now!


Constant Gale (more mana regen to level with CoF Comet)

Scouring Winds (ramp up damage from Frost Bomb exposure)

Tempest Caller (further scaling our crits early-late game, when we have rit in tree. Before that, we get more reliable dps from SW I believe.)

Force of Will (scaling our mana regen further late-game when we have more mana to benefit from)

Gems & Links

I'm still leveling so I don't have all links unlocked, so I'll update as we figure things out

Eye of Winter + Blind + Glaciation + Deceleration <more stacks of critical weakness on bosses>

Frost Bomb + Strip Away + Spell Cascade + Fast Forward

Frost Wall + Icycle + Ingenuity + Cold Penetration

Hypothermia + Heightened Curse + Focused Curse

Comet + Unleash (Currently I'm not using more supports, just to take the burden off my mana, this does plenty damage already so far)

Cast on Freeze + Comet + Impetus + Spell Echo


Life & Life Regen
Mana & Mana Regen
Energy Shield


Spell Damage / Cold Damage / + level of skill gems
Crit Chance / Crit Damage
Gained As Extra Elemental Damage

Flasks & Charm

Life: Reduced charges use, charges gained per second
Mana: Chance to gain a charge on enemy kill, increased amount recovered
Charm: I'm swapping them on boss fights for whatever elemental resist I need but it'll probably be anti-bleed or whatever's most dangerous in maps

Last edited by alexvsevil#7683 on Dec 10, 2024, 5:45:19 AM
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 8:38:10 PM
oops, double posted
Last edited by alexvsevil#7683 on Dec 10, 2024, 12:29:25 PM
I think we are all in the thread started by KyleMasc which is going exactly in that direction. It's close to the top of the page with over 100 replies.
EOW -> mobility -> glaciation -> considered casting

Cast on freeze -> comet -> inspiration -> impetus

That's what I'm doing

Easier to proc freezes that crits. So why do COC?
it's crit + cast on freeze, not cast on crit, although both would probably be good. we can get high crit rate with this build (40-50% without insane gear)

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