1.NO MOVEMENT SKILLS - is brutal makes the game feel slow and dragged out for no reason especially when running from area to area
2.LOOT - i have not had a "weapon" Upgrade for nearly 21 LEVELS there has been higher tier stuff dropping sure but my next point will explain more 3.CRAFTING - sure higher tier loot drops but the crafting in this game feels like it was made by the DIABLO 4 campfire team??????? you get a base, then manage to put a Transmute on it Cool great start (something i need).... then a Augmentation cool (things are going well).....then OH wait let me wait 14 hours for my next bunch of Regal orbs or "golden loot" to put into the vendor for 1 regal scrap each (only need 10 golden items) then it can sit in my stash tab for the next 2 days till i get a exalt to drop 4.MONSTER HEALTH - Why does every single monster feel like a Boss? Health is brutal on a "golden" Mob leader i feel like im playing point 5.WHY DOES THE GAME FEEL LIKE IM PLAYING RUTHLESS??? lack of meaning full loot GGG said wasnt going to be a thing in POE2? loot is either non existant or useless for the character you are playing, on top see point 3. about crafting 6.THE PACEING OF THE GAME - I know POE2 is supposed to be alot slower than POE 1 i get that but its too slow, i feel like im falling asleep half way throught ACTs because im either having to rerun the same area 20 times to try and find some loot OR i unfortunatly get killed and then guess what back to the check point AND KILL EVERY SINGLE MONSTER ALL OVER AGAIN LIKE YOU JUST DID... to try and get back to the same point HOWEVER I FEEL THIS IS GOOD FOR BOSSES IF YOU CANT KILL HIM RESTARTING THE FIGHT IF YOU DIE AND BOSS HASFULL HELATH IS COOL 7.SKILL TREE AND INFOMATION - i have SKILL POINTS/WEAPON SET POINTS 16 IN TOTAL how do you use them there is no button/no intuitive option to press, no info on how to use or allocate them so i just have 32 (16 each) weapon points sat there doing nothing (this is console PS5) we dont have a mouse and click option like PC GGG i do honeslty truely love the franchise but WOW this is so far away from what i fell in love with with POE 1 if i wanted to play a game like this id have played Diablo 4 or Lost Ark i hate to say it i think Last Epoch is in a better state than this...(this is aimed at how crafting works not the overall game i know this is beta) i dont want to be over critical and blunt i know its a Beta and there going to be changes but as a "experienced" POE1 player this game is pushing me to my limits and HOW ARE NEW PLAYERS SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND OR FIND THIS GAMEPLAY? i have a friend who bought a beta key and was about to spend $99 on a supporter pack and he's struggling to get through ACT 1 first time around and he (MY FRIEND doesnt do very well in POE1 without my guidance BUT i cant really guide him as im trying to sort myself out and learn POE2 Visually the game is beautiful, Atmosphere is **chefs kiss** everything you have done with the visuals and sound even the movement to a dree is all perfect, but the heavily Undertuning of loot, the Jenky craftng system, and No movement skill and over tuned Monsters/bosses, makes for a bad experience. As it stands on 10th Dec i feel like im playing Ruthless and this is not the experience i was hoping for and its making me not want to play the game. Honestly i am a fan of the game in parts theres a lot to love but this is my honest feed back which im sure other will have similar opinions. im not hating and/or trying to be rude to people who have worked there asses off this doesnt take anything away from the talanted people who work at GGG but as a PLAYER this is exactly how i am feeling atm and how the game feels to me this is my honest opinion on what i have experiences so far Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 10, 2024, 9:00:11 AM Last bumped on Dec 11, 2024, 7:36:31 AM
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GGG wants the players to rely a little bit more on crafting than just getting spammed by loot on your entire screen. They do not do a good job of explaining that when you get to the Encampment, but they have already implemented some changes: increasing regal orbs and gemcutter's prisms, raised exalted and regal by lowering chaos and raising lesser jeweler's by lowering artificers. Item rarity and item quality improved from monster modifiers. It would be nice if they increased the increased normals across the board in addition so I can actually craft gear that I need. Sometimes, I just cannot find any good normals for my classes I play.
The pacing of the game they are fixing a bit in the next patch with the checkpoint teleporting and more checkpoints. So, less running around empty maps and more killing. The prior two points will help a lot with difficulty. The plague here is RNG seems to adversely affect those trying more niche builds or builds that play testers probably didn't play too much so the balancing is poor. I do agree the weapon point passive skill points need a tutorial. Basically, they work in tandem with your weapon sets (roman numerals "I" and "II") for creative builds. If you are playing for example a monk and have one quarter staff for lightning and spell damage and another quarter staff for melee, you can specialize 16 points for a magic/lightning build and 16 for a melee build. Alternatively, just use them like regular skills points if it's too much trouble. Also, you are comparing complete games to a game in early access that's been out for less than a week. It's unfair to GGG. The game needs a lot of fine-tuning and balancing. I don't think anyone disagrees with that. |
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Yea as stated this is why i said i understands its a Beta
but the whole crafting system is awful there is no other way to say it, because for instance iv just managed at level 51 to upgrade a staff i was using a staff i picked up at level 31 i shouldnt be going 21 level without a significant upgrade. regardless to what or how little the upgrade is but on the whole the crafting and loot system during the levelling process feels awful how are new players ment to get "a understanding" of the game when there getting hard locked in mid ACT 1. AND just because you have afew extra drops of exalts or stuff still doesnt mean u will get something good how many pieces of gear do you think u need to craft before life on them because as you cant pick life from the skill tree, u HAVE TO RELAY on gear for the LIFE so life is 100% a requirement for equipment and gear, its not even like you could find something half decent then craft life on it yourself this is why the whole crafting thing is terrible SOME THINGS THAT MIGHT NEED LOOKING INTO:- 1.Not all the info is shown in character selection where you can scroll down i have a piece of equipment and a "permanant effect" for Elemental threshold i presume this is like avoid ailments from POE 1 but no stats or info other the pop up i got when i received it 2.CHARMS it says it automatic and it says there is "charges" but where is that on screen info or is it a option to turn on so i can see if 1. its active or 2. how many charges it has left? (id just like to note that in the character section of "info" 3.The "weapon skill points" in the Skill tree there is no way to allocate them? unless you are ment to hold a combo of buttons down to move over or allocate them iv not found it or seen it so maybe see if the funtion is working correctly for consoles and then let people know how to do it? there is more but my minds gone blank atm when i come across it again Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Dec 10, 2024, 9:04:18 AM
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I do mostly agree. If they are encouraging us to craft than I believe that the drop rate of gear equal to the level you are in is a must. It can be difficult to craft when you cannot even get stuff to drop at your level. I don't like playing in a level 20 area and and getting a level 3 wooden club. The loot should be the same level as the area you're in for the most part. The way I see it, if you continue to play on one or more characters and save good stuff for other classes and if you're stash is sufficiently large enough or you are a very efficient stash manager; your loot becomes a pyramid where you have nothing for your highest level character and any new class you start is very easy (gear-wise) because all you find on the ground that isn't immediately disenchanted or salvaged is too low-level for the character you are playing on. I think this is the biggest issue and is only compounded by not having enough crafting materials to just throw away trying to get the one singular piece of new gear your level you just got to replace gear 10 levels under you.
The lack of movement skills isn't completely a detriment. Every class I have played has at least one way to stop from being mobbed. Witch, Sorceress, and Warrior all have ways to pin or freeze and everyone should have +10% movement speed on their boots. It fits with the pace of the game and outside of that they are increasing checkpoints to teleport around. It should "feel" much better when that rolls out. Plus having more checkpoints in general is nice for flasks and in case you die and monsters respawn. Since the map is still revealed you'll have made progress at least towards filling it out as opposed to having a single checkpoint and fighting your way through the entire map again. It would be nice to have a charm icon where your buffs go with the number of charges it holds and some visual way to see when it's active and in cooldown. I agree there. For the weapon skill points have you tried holding "X"? It should let you switch between "Main" and "I' and "II" |
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" I'm a total newbie and I almost tried every class so far and all get stuck in the later stages of Act 1. Slow and painful, no good drops and the few crafting materials I get always gives me "wrong" values on gear. So I end up taking a minute to kill one (!!!) mob and soon after I quit and reroll another class hoping it will do better. 3rd class now and I start to accept I will never beat Act 1 on my Sorcerress, Merceneary and Ranger lol... I actually believed GGG then they (Jonathan) said this game will be much easier to understand than PoE1... That was a lie for sure, I think he totally forgot how it is to be a NEW player to this game, because I haven't played this game for 5 years as he has, or PoE1 for 11 years. Build in some kind of tutorial of the basic to get me going, I shouldn't need to google/youtube hundreds of hours before I can play the game right??!! ;) Last edited by PaladinZeke#9011 on Dec 11, 2024, 7:40:09 AM
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